Page LayoutAvoid blank space after chapters

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Avoid blank space after chapters

Post by Seanshine »

Dear readers,

1. Within this class file. What does one add to the preamble to avoid blank space between chapters?
2. How can I have the list of figures and list of tables on the same page? And, how does one arrange the alignment in these lists? For example, it would prefer the figure/table numbers to be on the same vertical line as the title; at the moment there is a slight indent.
3. After \include{Appendices/Appendix}, how does one avoid the "A" in both the contents and the appendix title?

Thanks again!
Last edited by Seanshine on Fri Jul 06, 2018 10:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Avoid blank space after chapters

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »


1. Which class file? And you you mean blank pages? Add "openany" as class options at the beginning.

2. This depends on the class file.

3. Use \chapter* or \addchap in the appendix.

Perhaps post some code, so we could talk about it specifically.

And btw. please make a topic for each separate question you have, in general. This keeps the forum sorted and we don't miss a question among others. Here is space for millions of topics / threads. ;-)

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Avoid blank space after chapters

Post by Johannes_B »

Code: Select all

The list of figures, tables, as well as the table of contents are chapters. They always start on a new page.
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Avoid blank space after chapters

Post by Seanshine »

Of course the famous MastersDoctoralThesis.cls.

Stefan do you mean add 'openany' within the square brackets of:

11pt,english, onehalfspacing, nolistspacing, liststotoc, headsepline,oneside,
chapterinoneline, reqno, a4paper, openany
%consistentlayout, change the layout of the declaration, abstract and acknowledgements pages to match the default layout

'\addchap' WITHIN the appendix has worked! Thanks!
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Avoid blank space after chapters

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Yes, within the square brackets.

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Avoid blank space after chapters

Post by Seanshine »

Unforenately, 'openany' does not work; every new chapter starts on a new page, leaving blank space between chapters. I am I missing a package? Or is something in the class-file blocking it?

If I use \addchap with the appendix, is there still a way to number figures as 'A.1.' etc.?
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Avoid blank space after chapters

Post by Johannes_B »

Every chapter starts on its own page by default. You don't want that behaviour? Please clarify.

I don't understand your point about the appendix. Please clarify.
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Avoid blank space after chapters

Post by Seanshine »

Correct. I would like to avoid blank space between chapters to reduce the number of pages (and save trees).

I posted some figures in the appendix which are now numbered '1,2,3,..' etc., because I used \addchap. I have changed it to 'A1, A2, etc.' again, but not sure if this is the correct way of doing so:

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Avoid blank space after chapters

Post by Johannes_B »

I'll post a solution later today.
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Avoid blank space after chapters

Post by Johannes_B »

Alright, i checked. I built something in that somethings act like chapters, although they are not. I remembered i had done something different that easily allows for every chapter what you want. I didn't.

So, there is only the hacky way: Add \let\clearpage\relax to your preamble.
Disclaimer: This might break something. Neither this class, nor the underlying book class is supposed to handle this.

Edit: This will definitely mess up page numbering. Better, add those lines to the preamble:

Code: Select all

Disclaimer: Depending on what you use, well, in any case, the result will be extremely extremely ugly. There is a reason for consistency.
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