hey everybody, I'm struggling with page numbering. I want roman page numbering after title page until list of tables. From then on I would like to have arabic page numbers. This is my set up:
thanks 4 helping out. I already tried exactly this before posting here, but it doesn't return the desired output, neither for roman page numbering nor arabic, pleases see attachment.
I was all wrong, sorry. Roman numbering should start after title page but only for pages before Table of contents. These roman numbers should appear in TOC AND on the pages too. After that, TOC and following pages should have no numbering. Arabic page numbering should start with Introduction (page 1!)
I apologise for all inconveniences. Thanks again 4 helping out.
% switching to roman
% title stuff etc.
% switching to no numbers whenever needed
% switching to arabic
% Introduction follows
Before a \pagenumbering switching command, the \cleardoublepage ensures that a new page starts, then the new numbering and the following content.