I'm using fancy chapter - Glen. The problem is it not shows title heads in every page. Sometimes it misses the header text. Is there any solution for it?
Many thanks
is in missing on chapter starting pages? They are usually different, without header, because of already huge chapter title headings (no need to repeat them in a header).
Perhaps post a code example that doesn't work, so it can be figured out.
Hi Stefan,
thanks for your feadback. The code is normal: \usepackage[Glenn]{fncychap} .
why sometimes it includes the header and sometimes does not? Is there any solution that it must show headers to every page?
Hi Stefan,
Is this problem because of \mainmetter also?
Yes they are: "missing on chapter starting pages" and very rare in the middle pages.
Chapter headings are not so huge.
Hi Stefan,
thanks but your suggestion is not working. I'm using scrlayer-scrpage. I saw the header is not appearing in even pages. How it is possible to show it also in even pages?
Thank you