Presentations and PostersTable with beamer

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Table with beamer

Post by Athene_47 »

Hi guys !

I have problem with the creation of the table. Could you help me ?

Code: Select all


\title{Do ICTs matter for Italy?}
\date{June 21, 2018}
\author{Daniela Cialfi\textsuperscript{1} \hspace{0.5pt} Emiliano Colantonio \textsuperscript{1} }
%\subject{Name of the Conference}
\institute{\textsuperscript{1} \hspace{0.2pt}Department of Philosophical, Pedagogical and Economic-Quantitative Sciences
	    \\ University of Studies G.D'Annunzio
	    \\ Pescara,Italy}

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbol}{}


\begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain]
  \setbeamertemplate{section in toc}[sections numbered] 

     \section{The potential relationship between ICT and social capital}   
\begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain]
\frametitle[alignment=center]{Literature review }   
\color{orange} \textbf{Social capital}
\\  \color{black} \textit{the nature and quality of social ties that individuals or communities can mobilise in conducting their affairs}  
	\item \justifying a wide variety of connections and networks that people maintain with family, friends, neighbours, colleagues
	\item \justifying the strength of social norms that can underpin these ties 
\begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain]
\frametitle[alignment=center]{Literature review }   
\color{orange} \textbf{Social capital}
\\  \color{black} \textit{the nature and quality of social ties that individuals or communities can mobilise in conducting their affairs}  
	\item \justifying a wide variety of connections and networks that people maintain with family, friends, neighbours, colleagues
	\item \justifying the strength of social norms that can underpin these ties 
		\textbf{\textit{In which way do ICTs interact with social capital?}}
\begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain]
Recent empirical evidence \footnote{Benkler (2006). } have found that:
	\item ICTs could enable individuals to thicken existing ties and generate new ones;
	\item ICT come in handling to develop more new ties to like-minded people for a variety of purposes\footnote{Rainie, L., Horrigan, John B., Wellman, B., and Boase, J.(2006)}.	
		\textbf{\textit{Existence of a positive relationship the two concepts}}
ICTs are helping to expand, transform and diversify social capital 
	\item Tools for communication and collaborative information sharing
	\item Creating meeting spaces where like-minded people can gather and socialise

\section{Empirical evidence from Italy}
\begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain]

	\color{orange} \textbf{Aim}
	\\ \color{black}Present consistent evidence on the geography of the relationship between ICT and social capital in Italy
	\color{orange} \textbf{Methodology}
	\\ \color{black} Non linear cluster analysis
	\color{orange} \textbf{Period of analysis}
	\\ \color{black} 2006-2013
	\color{orange} \textbf{Context}
	\\ \color{black} Italian regions

\subsection{Selection and creation of the database}
\begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain]{Selection and creation of the database}

%\subfloat[Decay Channels]{
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline
	Function & Indicator  \\ \hline
	\multirow{4}{*}{Jet} &${\bf p}_T >$ 25 GeV   \\
	&$|\eta| < $ 2.5   \\
	&$\Delta R(j,l) >$ 0.2  \\
	&$\Delta \phi(j,{\bf p}_T^{miss}) >$ 0.6  \\ \hline
	3 Leading jets & ${\bf p}_T >$ 40 GeV   \\ \hline
	b-tagging & $\ge$ 2 \\ \hline
	\multirow{3}{*}{Lepton} & ${\bf p}_T >$ 20 GeV \\
	& $|\eta| <$ 2.5 \\
	& $\Delta R(l,j) >$ 0.4 \\ \hline
	{${\bf p}_T^{miss}$} & $\Delta \phi({\bf p}_T^{miss},j) >$ 0.8 \\ \hline
	& {\bf Advanced cuts} \\ \hline
	$E_T^{miss}$ & $>$ 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200 (GeV)\\ \hline
	$H_T$ & $>$ 400, 450, 500, 550, 600 (GeV)\\ \hline
	$m_T$ & $>$ 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200 (GeV)\\ \hline
	$N_j$ & $\ge$ 4, 5, 6 \\ \hline
	$N_{bj}$ & $\ge$ 2, 3, 4 \\ \hline

%  \caption{Summary of event selection cuts}
% \end{table}
%	\begin{column}{.9 \textwidth}
%		\centering
%		\small \textbf{Tab.1}:List of performance indicators
%		\includegraphics[width=.9\linewidth]{database_table_trasparence.png}\\
%		{{ \footnotesize \emph{Source: Authors’ representation of the database used}\par }}
%	\end{column}
\begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain]{Selection and creation of the database}
	\begin{column}{.9 \textwidth}
		\small \textbf{Tab.1}:List of performance indicators
\color{orange} \textbf{Period of analysis}
\\ \color{black} 2006-2013

\color{orange} \textbf{Data source}
\\ \color{black} Rapporto Noi Italia 2016 \footnote{\hspace{0.1cm}Developed by ISTAT}, empirical studies 
\footnote{\hspace{0.1cm} See Andriani, L., Karyampas (2009);  Degli Antoni, G.(2006); Putnam, R.D (2000) }

\color{orange} \textbf{Methodology}
\\ \color{black} Non linear cluster analysis - Self Organizing Map  
\begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain]{Selection and creation of the database}
	\begin{column}{.9 \textwidth}
		\small \textbf{Tab.1}:List of performance indicators
\color{orange} \textbf{Period of analysis}: \color{black} 2006-2013
  	\item Data availability by Italian regions 
  	\item Evaluate the evolution of the dataset from a pre-crisis to a post-crisis scenario.
\color{orange} \textbf{Data source}
\\ \color{black} Rapporto Noi Italia 2016, empirical studies 	

\begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain]{Selection and creation of the database}
	\begin{column}{.8 \textwidth}
		\small \textbf{Tab.1}:List of performance indicators
\color{orange} \textbf{Period of analysis} \\
   \color{black} 2006-2013
\color{orange} \textbf{Data source}: \color{black} Rapporto Noi Italia 2016, empirical studies
	\item  Distinguish among the different conceptualisations of social capital 
	\item Division into three macro-categories linked to the Italian experience

\subsection{Social capital variables}
\begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain]{Selection and creation of the database\\
	\textit{-Social Capital-}}
Variables related to the associative world
	\item Associational activities are an essential framework where social capital could occur and grow [Putnam,2000]
    	\item Information and trust are 'intangible' resources 
    	\item Help to achieve economic and social outcomes and intangible ones  	
\subsection{ICT variables}
\begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain]{Selection and creation of the database\\
	\textit{-ICT use-}}
The development of social capital within communities may depend on several elements
\footnote{\hspace{0.1cm} See Ahmed, Z., Alzahrani (2017); Gaved, M., Anderson, B.(2006)} 
	\item Availability of broadband
	\item Effective use of broadband connectivity
Determination of the quality and frequency of interactions 
	\item Previous elements
	\item Issues linked to online trust and confidence 
\subsection{Economic variables}
\begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain]{Selection and creation of the database\\

%	\begin{column}{\textwidth}
	%	\includegraphics[width=.9\linewidth]{social_capital_trasparence.png}
%	\end{column}
% \end{columns}
We have used this kind of variables
	\item how networks and social interactions are translated into an economic asset
	\item Social capital is trasformed from a private good into public one 
	\item Collective and cumulative economic benefits
\subsection{Patterns and dynamics of Italian regions from 2006 to 2013}
\begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain]{Patterns and dynamics of Italian regions  %\messe "giuste"
	          \\from 2006 to 2013}
       	     	%\begin{tcolorbox}[beamer,width=0.8\textheight,arc=0pt,boxsep=0pt, left=0pt,right=0pt,top=0pt,bottom=0pt]

\begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain]
	\begin{column}{.4\textwidth} %\ 2006_um_trasparente
		\begin{column}{.2\textwidth} %\ arrow
	\begin{column}{.4\textwidth} %\ 2013_um_trasparente
 Mass of Italian regions that in 2006 were located in the centre moves 
\centering down to the bottom of the SOM     

\begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain] %\ 2013_um_bw

	        	\item Isolation of the Southern Italian 
	        	  	\item The South and the Northern  
	        	  	      \\ regions remain at the upper 
	        	  	      \\ and bottom parts of the map

\begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain] %\ 2013_um_c
			\item Isolation of the Southern  Italian
			\\ regions 
				\item The South and the Northern
				\\ regions remain at the upper and bottom parts of the map
				\item Creation of a gap between  
				     \\ the South and the Northern 
				     \\ regions 

\begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain] %\ 2013_um_bw

			\item Isolation of the Southern Italian 
				\item The South and the Northern  
				\\ regions remain at the upper and 
				\\ bottom parts of the map
				\item Creation of a gap between the 
				\\ South and the Northern regions 
				\item The central regions are closer to
				      \\  Northern regions

\begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain]{2006 ...} %\parte dello studio della fm ICT-SC 2006 and 2013 (pp.6-7)
	\centering		\includegraphics[width=.5\linewidth]{2006_fm_final_scale_1.png}
\begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain]{2006 ...} %\parte dello studio della fm ICT-SC 2006 and 2013 (pp.6-7)
		\centering		\includegraphics[width=.7\linewidth]{2006_fm_final_scale_1.png}
			\item Northern Italian regions excel
			\\  in all considered variables 
				\item Social participation   activities 
				\item Total RD Expenditure 
				\\and ST Graduates
			\item  Southern Italian regions show
			\\low values in all considered variables
\begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain]{... 2013} %\parte dello studio della fm ICT-SC 2006 and 2013 (pp.6-7)
			\item Central and Northern Italian regions  present high values in all the variables
				\item  ST Graduates
				\item  Accessed the Internet
				\item  Ordered/bought over the Internet
			\item  Southern Italian regions show
				\\low values in all considered variables

\begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain]{Preliminary conclusions}
	\begin{column}{.8 \textwidth}
ICT might not promote social capital formation

		\item Associational activities variables have shown a negative  relationship with ICT 		
\begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain]

        	\item All the opportunities for building and expanding social capital are currently benefiting (bold) only highly educated and professionally advanced people use ICT 
			\item To improve their skills 
			\item To grow their networks for career advancement

\begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain]
\centering \textbf{\emph{Could exist a positive relationship 
		\\between ICT and social capital in Italy?}}
	\item Existence of a negative relationship between the two concepts
		\item Not all social capital variables are positive
		\item The transformative impact of ICTs could be against a particular type of social capital
         \item Through the access and use of ICT communities could have more significant opportunities
         	\item For engaging with others
         	\item  For broadening their understandings
         		\item building bonding
         		\item bridging and linking social capital

\begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain]{\textbf{\emph{.. and between social capital and economy? }}}
	\begin{column}{.6 \textwidth}
		\includegraphics[width=.6\linewidth]{prova_2_scale.png} %sostituire con la figura giusta
	\begin{column}{.6 \textwidth}
		Reflection of the existing dualism 
		\\between the North and the South
			\item The poor economic performance 
			\\ is likely related to limitation 
			\\ of trust 
				\item Significant difference between 
				\\the level of engagement in
				\\  Northern and Southern of 

\section{Future research lines}

\begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain]
	\item Selection of other ICT-related variables more suitable with social capital
		\item Number of tweets written in italian
		\item Facebook account opened in Italy
	\item Improve the time-series analysis for a long-term perspective
		\item Use of larger time series
		\item Introduction of the average values across the Italian regions
    \item Set-up a cause-effect analysis between ICT and social capital variables


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Stefan Kottwitz
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Table with beamer

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

And what is the problem with the table you want to solve? I see 554 lines of code but not a specific question yet.

Stefan admin
Posts: 15
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Table with beamer

Post by Athene_47 »

Code: Select all

\begin{frame}[noframenumbering, plain]{Selection and creation of the database}

%\subfloat[Decay Channels]{
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline
	Function & Indicator  \\ \hline
	\multirow{4}{*}{Jet} &${\bf p}_T >$ 25 GeV   \\
	&$|\eta| < $ 2.5   \\
	&$\Delta R(j,l) >$ 0.2  \\
	&$\Delta \phi(j,{\bf p}_T^{miss}) >$ 0.6  \\ \hline
	3 Leading jets & ${\bf p}_T >$ 40 GeV   \\ \hline
	b-tagging & $\ge$ 2 \\ \hline
	\multirow{3}{*}{Lepton} & ${\bf p}_T >$ 20 GeV \\
	& $|\eta| <$ 2.5 \\
	& $\Delta R(l,j) >$ 0.4 \\ \hline
	{${\bf p}_T^{miss}$} & $\Delta \phi({\bf p}_T^{miss},j) >$ 0.8 \\ \hline
	& {\bf Advanced cuts} \\ \hline
	$E_T^{miss}$ & $>$ 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200 (GeV)\\ \hline
	$H_T$ & $>$ 400, 450, 500, 550, 600 (GeV)\\ \hline
	$m_T$ & $>$ 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200 (GeV)\\ \hline
	$N_j$ & $\ge$ 4, 5, 6 \\ \hline
	$N_{bj}$ & $\ge$ 2, 3, 4 \\ \hline

%  \caption{Summary of event selection cuts}
%	\begin{column}{.9 \textwidth}
%		\centering
%		\small \textbf{Tab.1}:List of performance indicators
%		\includegraphics[width=.9\linewidth]{database_table_trasparence.png}\\
%		{{ \footnotesize \emph{Source: Authors’ representation of the database used}\par }}
%	\end{column}
I have this error message
table_error.JPG (50.39 KiB) Viewed 76722 times
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Table with beamer

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Perhaps the error message you see is misleading. When I compile it, I see:

Code: Select all

! Undefined control sequence.
<recently read> \multirow 
l.42 \end{frame}
This means, \multirow is unknown. You can fix it by adding to your preamble:


Stefan admin
Posts: 15
Joined: Fri Apr 06, 2018 5:02 pm

Table with beamer

Post by Athene_47 »

Stefan Kottwitz wrote:Perhaps the error message you see is misleading. When I compile it, I see:

Code: Select all

! Undefined control sequence.
<recently read> \multirow 
l.42 \end{frame}
This means, \multirow is unknown. You can fix it by adding to your preamble:


Thanks Stefan !! :)
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