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\RequirePackage[l2tabu,orthodox]{nag}\documentclass[11pt,twoside]{book}\usepackage{microtype}\usepackage{amsmath}\usepackage[separate-uncertainty=true]{siunitx}\begin{document}Blabla :\begin{align*}\si{\nano} (\text{nano}) &= \num{e-9}, \\[6pt]\si{\micro} (\text{micro}) &= \num{e-6}, \\[6pt]\end{align*}\end{document}
I don't understand what's going on here. I don't see what I have done wrong. How can I fix that code?Package microtype Warning: Unknown slot number of character
(microtype) `\textminus '
(microtype) in font encoding `TS1' in protrusion list
(microtype) `textcomp'.
Package microtype Warning: Unknown slot number of character
(microtype) `\texttrademark '
(microtype) in font encoding `TS1' in protrusion list
(microtype) `textcomp'.
Package microtype Warning: Unknown slot number of character
(microtype) `\textcopyright '
(microtype) in font encoding `TS1' in protrusion list
(microtype) `textcomp'.
Package microtype Warning: Unknown slot number of character
(microtype) `\textregistered '
(microtype) in font encoding `TS1' in protrusion list
(microtype) `textcomp'.
Package microtype Warning: Unknown slot number of character
(microtype) `\textdegree '
(microtype) in font encoding `TS1' in protrusion list
(microtype) `textcomp'.