Fonts & Character SetsFonts used for typing mathematics

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Fonts used for typing mathematics

Post by wild-heart »

I trying to figure what the font that is being used for mathematics equations, as I need to use the same font for mathematics functions and variables on diagrams created in other applications.

Mathematics equations is normally written with italic letters for variable names, thus the font used must support italics. I thought it was Latin Modern Math, but found there is no italics in that font, thus that is not the font used for mathematics equations.

How does one determine what fonts are actually used in a document, particular fonts used in math mode?

Using PDF-LaTeX to compile the documents.

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Fonts used for typing mathematics

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

The default LaTeX math font is Computer Modern Math Italic.

Latin modern math includes italic, but at a different position (U+1D434 and later). It's very similar to Computer Modern, it has been done as replacement with improvements.

Perhaps just get Computer Modern Math Italic as ttf font, such as the cmmi*.ttf files here: ... bakoma/ttf.

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Fonts used for typing mathematics

Post by wild-heart »

Thanks Stefan.

Seems the application does not know how to retrieve the italics letters from the other plane of the Latin Modern Math.

Pointing out where to get the TTF files for the Computer Modern Math Italics solved the problem, after I installed them in the fonts directory of the system.
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