As I am Italian, I gotta write using some accented letters (è, à, ì, etc.). However, I can't figure out why they do not come out after I compile the file.
I have downloaded MacTeX as I have a MacBook (can't remember the precise name, guess it's a MacBook Air), and I use TexShop for writing the codes.
I was just trying to have some simple experiments just to get acquainted with this software. So, I decided to write in Italian, and the code I wrote is as follows:
Code: Select all
Allora è così?
./Senza-titolo.tex:6 Package inputenc Error: Unicode char èco (U+DA)
(inputenc) not set up for use with LaTeX
See the inputenc package documentation explanation.
I really can't see where the problem is... I tried it in every manner, and I even saw that others had no problem using the [utf8]{inputenc} package... Have I forgotten something? Have I not downloaded something?