Presentations and PostersBerkeley theme

Beamer, Powerdot and KOMA-Script presentations, Conference posters (a0poster, baposter, tikzposter)
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Berkeley theme

Post by Athene_47 »

HI guys

I use fo my presentation the Berkeley theme, but it seems to work as you can see from the image below but into the code TexStudio underlines a error in the following way

Option dash for package beamerouterthemesidebar. \useoutertheme[right]{sidebar}

Instead, using AnnArbor theme and putting the \useoutertheme[right]{sidebar} under \usetheme{AnnArbor} it works without errors
code.JPG (93.88 KiB) Viewed 29020 times
result.JPG (27.62 KiB) Viewed 29020 times

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Berkeley theme

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »


the Berkeley theme already loads the sidebar with default options, that's why you get an option clash when you load it again with a different option.

Here is a quick fix - the first line:

Code: Select all

Please always post real code as code in text, as I did. From a screenshot I cannot copy and test the code.
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Berkeley theme

Post by Athene_47 »

Stefan Kottwitz wrote:Hi,

the Berkeley theme already loads the sidebar with default options, that's why you get an option clash when you load it again with a different option.

Here is a quick fix - the first line:

Code: Select all

Please always post real code as code in text, as I did. From a screenshot I cannot copy and test the code.
Thanks Stefan for the advise .. it works :)

I have other question. If i want to use the Berlin theme insted of Berkely, is it possible to use the sidebar option ?
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Berkeley theme

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Try it with Berlin. The sidebar is shown:

Code: Select all

But first really think about if you need foot lines, header, sidebar at all. They take space, they show redundant information, I doubt that the audience reads the such sidebar, header or footer all the time. It takes space away that you could use.

I prefer themes without fancy stuff that requires space. For example, when I have big images or screenshots or long code. Recently I used the metropolis beamer theme. All available space is for content.

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Berkeley theme

Post by Athene_47 »

Stefan Kottwitz wrote:Try it with Berlin. The sidebar is shown:

Code: Select all

But first really think about if you need foot lines, header, sidebar at all. They take space, they show redundant information, I doubt that the audience reads the such sidebar, header or footer all the time. It takes space away that you could use.

I prefer themes without fancy stuff that requires space. For example, when I have big images or screenshots or long code. Recently I used the metropolis beamer theme. All available space is for content.

Thanks for the advise :D :D
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Berkeley theme

Post by Jay19 »

I m using Berkeley theme..
How do i insert additional information like supervisor name, graphics in the front page..
\setbeamertemplate{footline}[page number]
I want to add my guide name after author..
also include my university logo..
How do i remove the title and my name from the side bar.. My title is lengthy
Can somebody help me out
Thanks and Regards
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Berkeley theme

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Jay,

welcome to the forum!

You could use the author field to add also the supervisor. For example:

\author{Jay\\Supervisor: Eric}

Or, to have just your name in the shorter version of that field, such as in the sidebar:

\author[Jay]{Jay\\Supervisor: Eric}

Stefan admin
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