Fonts & Character SetsUppercase in the subsection without to change the lowercase in the sumary

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Uppercase in the subsection without to change the lowercase in the sumary

Post by jaco_julio »

I want to put the subsection and the subsubsection in the text on uppercase, but I don't want to change the lowercase in the sumary.
My code is this:

Code: Select all

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}
\usepackage[lmargin = 2.5cm, rmargin = 2.5cm, tmargin = 2.5cm, bmargin = 3cm]{geometry}
%\setmainfont{Times New Roman}
%\usepackage{hyphenat} \hyp{}
%\setlength\afterchapskip{18pt} %capítulo começa nas páginas ímpares
%\onehalfspacing %espaçamento entre linas


%\setlength{\parskip}{0.3cm} (espaço entre os parágrafos)



%nas figura e tabelas, mudar o nome para "FIG." e "TAB.", respectivamente
%nas equações, além da numeração colocar o termo "EQ."

\graphicspath{ {figures/} }

\addto\captionsbrazil{\renewcommand*\contentsname{\centering SUMÁRIO}}

\addto\captionsbrazil{\renewcommand*{\listfigurename}{\centering LISTA DE ILUSTRAÇÕES}}

\addto\captionsbrazil{\renewcommand*{\listtablename}{\centering LISTA DE TABELAS}}


\titlecontents{figure}[0em]{\addvspace{1.5em}}{FIG.{\thecontentslabel} \hspace*{1.5em}}{}{\titlerule*[1pc]{$\cdot$}\contentspage}

\titlecontents{table}[0em]{\addvspace{1.5em}}{TAB.{\thecontentslabel} \hspace*{1.5em}}{}{ \titlerule*[1pc]{$\cdot$}\contentspage}

  \bfseries \abstractname\vspace{-.5em}\vspace{0pt}
    \setlength{\leftmargin}{0mm}% <---------- CHANGE HERE

Is there someone can help me, please?

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Uppercase in the subsection without to change the lowercase in the sumary

Post by Johannes_B »

Wouldn't \subsection[Capybara]{CAPYBARA} be the most simple thing to do?

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