Generalenumerate environment question

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enumerate environment question

Post by christina_t »

Hi again! It looks as though I have so many questions!! sorry about that... you have been extremely helpful!

to the point: I want to get a list of only the heading from the enumerate list.

I have this:

Code: Select all




\item \textbf{first entry}\\
text \\
\item \textbf{second entry}\\

text \\
text \\
text \\
text \\


How can I get a page with only these?:

1. \textbf{first entry}
2. \textbf{second entry}

Is that possible?

Many thanks again in advance!


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enumerate environment question

Post by Juanjo »

Try this:

Code: Select all



% Package that generates blind text, just
% for testing purposes

% --- Macros to get the list of heading entries ---
\newtoks\List \List={\begin{enumerate}}
   \edef\Act{\noexpand\List={\the\List \the\toks0}}\global\Act}
\def\HeadingEntry#1{\textbf{#1}\AppendToks{\item \textbf{#1}}}   
% --------




\item \HeadingEntry{First entry} \\
\item \HeadingEntry{Second entry} \\

\item \HeadingEntry{Third entry} \\


% Now we write the list of heading entries

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Re: enumerate environment question

Post by christina_t »

thank you very much! It works perfectly!
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