Document ClassesSpecifying different directories for sty and doc

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Specifying different directories for sty and doc

Post by erwann »


Let's say the *.ins and *.dtx files reside in
How would I modify them to send the sty and doc files respectively to
(I assume these would have to be created beforehand)

I tinkered with \BasedDirectory and \usedir but it didn't go anywhere.
x_86 / Linux Mint 18.3 / texlive 2015.20160320-1ubuntu0.1 / TeXworks 0.5r1361 (Debian)

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Specifying different directories for sty and doc

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

I don't know a setting, but how about using a shell script that compiles and then moves the files?

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Specifying different directories for sty and doc

Post by erwann »

OK, I'll take that as it probably does not exist.
x_86 / Linux Mint 18.3 / texlive 2015.20160320-1ubuntu0.1 / TeXworks 0.5r1361 (Debian)
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Specifying different directories for sty and doc

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

I did not search for it, and I rarely use it myself. I install packages, and in rare cases when I just have to download .ins and .dtx myself and compile it, I just do it... I did not spend time or effort in adjusting how it works. But it's a good and relevant question!

Stefan admin
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