Presentations and PostersUnnumbered footnote in Beamer

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Unnumbered footnote in Beamer

Post by asafw »

Hi there,

What is the simplest way to insert an unnumbered footnote in a Beamer slide?

I found an answer online which suggests to define


but the footnote does not show at the bottom of the slide when I try to use it.

Thanks so much,

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Unnumbered footnote in Beamer

Post by Johannes_B »

Crosspost in TeX.SX.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Unnumbered footnote in Beamer

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Asaf,

your code works as expected. When I use it, the footnote text appears at the bottom. Here is an example that shows it with your code. Just click on "Open in Overleaf" to easily verify it in the online LaTeX compiler. I tested with several beamer themes such as Warsaw and Singapore.

Code: Select all

Text\blfootnote{Unnumbered footnote} \blindtext
Text\footnote{Numbered footnote}
beamer.png (46.5 KiB) Viewed 41397 times
The reason, why it doesn't show up on your slide, is in your other code. Or the slide is already too full. Can you post your code (Infominimal working example) that shows the problem?

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Unnumbered footnote in Beamer

Post by asafw »

Thanks so much Stefan!
Looks like it didn't work for me earlier due to incompatibility with "setspace" and "subcaption" packages.

Thanks again,
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