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List of Figures

Post by Shamson »

Dear community members,
I could add text "Figure" to the List of figures (\listoffigures), but the problem is that hyperref can not cover those extra text "Figure"s. Can you please suggest a solution for this?

Thanks a lot.

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Stefan Kottwitz
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List of Figures

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Shamson,

welcome to the forum!

It depends on how you add it. What are you doing, can you show code? With document class and preamble please, so we can test and fix it.

Stefan admin
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List of Figures

Post by Shamson »

Dear Stefan,
I just saw your answer. Thanks, I hope this community is strongly supported by experts.

So, \listoffigures generate list of figures. Then I use \renewcommand{\cftfigfont}{Figure} .

but the problem is that hyperref can not cover those extra text "Figure"s. Can you please suggest a solution for this?

Thanks a lot.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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List of Figures

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Shamson!

Redefining \cftfigfont is a just a quick hack, I guess you read it on some web site. \cftfigfont is a macro for the figure font name, for example one writes \renewcommand{\cftfigfont}{\bfseries} to get bold figure numbers. That hack sets Figure instead of \bfseries right before a figure number, so it seems to work in the text but hyperref cannot see this to extend the hyperlink.

A correct way would be:

Code: Select all

\renewcommand{\cftfigpresnum}{Figure\ }

Stefan admin
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List of Figures

Post by Shamson »

Dear Stefan,
You did a great job.
Thank you very much.
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