Document ClassesMemo class in LaTeX

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Memo class in LaTeX

Post by Cham »

I'm having a major compilation problem with this simple memo MWE (emergency stop). I suspect that this class isn't in my version of LaTeX (TeXLive 2015) :

Code: Select all

\memoto{Mr. Unknown}
\memosubject{Some fancy subject}




Is this code actually compiling for you ? Is there any other memo style classes available?

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Memo class in LaTeX

Post by Johannes_B »

The class is not on CTAN and hence not distributed with TeX Live.

All i can say is

Concerning Tom's blog post: It is more than five years old and following the link gives me: Access denied.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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Memo class in LaTeX

Post by Cham »

Ok, thanks Johannes.

While it's easy to adapt any default class to do a simple note or memo, it would be cool to have such a special class for short but great looking memos with style.
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Memo class in LaTeX

Post by Cham »

Actually, it's not so easy to replicate the syle of the memos on this web page :

Here's a MWE trying to reproduce that memo style. What would be the best way to make the proper titles, with logo in the upper-right ?

Code: Select all


\usepackage{parskip} % Adds spacing between paragraphs
\setlength{\parindent}{15pt} % Indent paragraphs




To:  % \memoto{Mr. Unknown}
From: % \memofrom{Tom}
Subject: % \memosubject{Some fancy subject}
Date: % \memodate{\today}
Logo:  % \logo{\includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{example-grid-100x100pt}}



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Memo class in LaTeX

Post by Cham »

I've created this memo style code, but I don't think that the vertical spacings are right. Need suggestions on this :

Code: Select all

\raggedbottom % Is that really usefull ?

\usepackage{parskip} % Adds spacing between paragraphs
\setlength{\parindent}{15pt} % Indent paragraphs


\noindent\includegraphics[height=0.5in]{example-grid-100x100pt} % Upper-left corner logo

\vfill % ?


\vfill % ?

	\textbf{\textsf{To :}}  Mr. Unknown \par
	\textbf{\textsf{From :}} Tom \par
	\textbf{\textsf{Subject :}} Some fancy subject \par
	\textbf{\textsf{Date :}} \today

\vfill % Probably not right


\vfill % Probably not right


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Stefan Kottwitz
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Memo class in LaTeX

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

\raggedbottom is ok since \flushbottom makes sense only for balancing page heights for twoside documents. But it may be the default here, for article.

Both parskip and \parindent at the same time doesn't make sense to me. That's double emphasizing paragraph breaks. I would remove \parindent or set it to zero. I don't like the indentation anyway, especially at the very beginning.

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Memo class in LaTeX

Post by Cham »

What about the vertical spacings around the rule ? I believe they should stay constant, above and under the rule.
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Memo class in LaTeX

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Sure, I did not look this far. The \vfill should be replaced by some fixed \vspace, as you said, such as \vspace{\baselineskip}.

Stefan admin
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