Cham wrote:I'm also reading from several places that the KOMA-scripts versions were basically intended for the european conventions, especially for germans, while the older "classical" versions are more "american" oriented.
That was a reason for the classes many years ago. From this state, which means just a few defaults have been changed (margins, headings), it developed to feature rich classes that are customizable in many, many ways. Still, the "european" thought is remembered.
Cham wrote:Do you have any arguments against using the book
and article
classes ?
Well, they base on LaTeX2e of 1995 and haven't really been extended since then except occasional bug fixing. That's not bad, but life goes on, also for LaTeX. Any customization has to be programmed or one needs to use and to learn a new package, well - dozens. Customizing is done by re-programming that looks like hacking. Also not bad.
belong to a modern suite of LaTeX classes and packages that have been continuously developed over the last years. Here, customizing is often already done by using the comprehensive capable class interface. There's a lot of possible class options for setting values. For example, changing headings font or spacing is just one line; good luck with
for changing section headings.