Document Classesrevtex4-1 style for French articles ?

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revtex4-1 style for French articles ?

Post by Cham »

Ok, thanks again, Stefan. I'll definitively abandon revtex, and use revtex-1 instead (and even this one, I see that it gives some troubles with the icomma package).

I'm just making some experiments with these classes, and most probably I will use the other classes instead, since there are much less troubles with them.

But it's a good thing to say to the newcomers to LaTeX that revtex4 is still old and buggy, which they may not know.

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Stefan Kottwitz
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revtex4-1 style for French articles ?

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Good thought!

Design is one thing (timeless) - but staying technically up to date and compatible is another important point.

Well maintained classes work this way (KOMA-Script, later revtex versions), well maintained templates too, just with older stuff one may run into problems. By the way, there's an important difference: journal classes are like templates with fixed design, non-flexible, but modern all-round classes such as KOMA-Script classes allow heavy customization (not desirable by a journal that owns a class!). A good compromise: choose a design template based on a modern class.

Stefan admin
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