Here's a MWE code showing that class and a few options :Package frenchb.ldf Warning: Figures' and tables' captions might look like
(frenchb.ldf) `Figure 1:' which is wrong in French.
(frenchb.ldf) Check your class or packages to change this;
(frenchb.ldf) reported on input line 17.
Code: Select all
\title {Some article title in French}
\author{Some Guy}
\affiliation{Some departement}
Some French text.
Some introduction.
\section{Some title}
Something here.
\subfigure[Description 1.]{\includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{example-image-a}}
\subfigure[Description 2.]{\includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{example-image-b}}
\caption{Some description.}
\label{ }
A few thanks.
A.~Someone \& B.~Someonelse, ``Titre de l'article 1'', Found.\ Phys.\ \textbf{11}, no. 8, 299 (2037).
C.~Someone \& D.~Someonelse, ``Titre de l'article 2'', Phys.\ Rev.\ D \textbf{12}, 103522 (2052).
I'm expecting that the answer is "no", and that I'll have to customize another class all from scratch, but maybe I'm wrong.