I have updated my entire CV using this medium length professional template. Thank you very much. I can see the improvement visually. It's very much appreciated.
Underneath the name, I would like to add a line for the university address, and another line for webpage. I checked the resume.cls file, it doesn't seem to be straightforward to modify. Would you help?
Another thing is that how to add a formatted Reference section at the end (for three committee members)?
Thanks a lot!!!
Curricula Vitae / Résumés ⇒ How to create more lines underneath the Name
- Posts: 679
- Joined: Tue Mar 03, 2015 4:01 pm
How to create more lines underneath the Name
Hi Tracy,
The template currently only supports three address lines under the name. In order to add more you will have to go into
Regarding adding a references section, why not make it look similar to the Technical Strengths section in the template and have the name of the referee on the left in bold and their contact information to the right?
The template currently only supports three address lines under the name. In order to add more you will have to go into
and modify it to add more lines. Look out for anything that says \address
. Regarding adding a references section, why not make it look similar to the Technical Strengths section in the template and have the name of the referee on the left in bold and their contact information to the right?
Founder and administrator of LaTeXTemplates.com and LaTeXTypesetting.com
- Posts: 679
- Joined: Tue Mar 03, 2015 4:01 pm
How to create more lines underneath the Name
Thanks a lot! I created more address lines sucessfully in
Thank you.
file. I will try add the reference according to your suggestion.Thank you.
How to create more lines underneath the Name
Could you tell me how you created more address lines ?
I already added the line four by doing this underneath the specific sections:
\let \@addressfour \relax
\def \@addressfour {#1}
But now an error occurs at line 123? `{\bf #1} \hfill {#2}`
What am I doing wrong? Or how did you do it?
I already added the line four by doing this underneath the specific sections:
\let \@addressfour \relax
\def \@addressfour {#1}
But now an error occurs at line 123? `{\bf #1} \hfill {#2}`
What am I doing wrong? Or how did you do it?
- Johannes_B
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How to create more lines underneath the Name
Hi Ingmar,
the template is very badly designed. Do not bother to try to add additional lines by messing with the class file. Just just it as in the snippet below.
the template is very badly designed. Do not bother to try to add additional lines by messing with the class file. Just just it as in the snippet below.
Code: Select all
\name{John Smith} % Your name
short & Very very long text \\
longer text & Ant \\
Not so Short but long & Busy bee \\
124 56 79 & Duckburg \\
} % Your phone number and email
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.