JoKo wrote:It seems writing my thesis in LaTeX is harder than what I expected, doh! [...]
It cannot be harder then writing it with a word processor.
JoKo wrote:[...] I have several tables now created, that are looking good thanks to people from these forums. There is only a slight problem, all the tables appear at the end of chapter, instead of e.g. the end of each section (yes, they are quite big), but that's OK. [...]
Float placement is a very sensible matter. It depends on the rigtht placement parameters for the float environments. From my experience the following works best.
Code: Select all
If the parameters alone don't help, you can insert a
\clearpage (or
\cleardoublepage) command right after the float environment. If you want to prevent floating of your tables completely, you can try the
\captionof command from the
caption package.
JoKo wrote:My last table has more columns than regular and I was thinking putting it in landscape mode in a separate page. [...]
Perhaps the
sidewaystable environment that comes with the
rotating package is better in this case.
Code: Select all
Note that a table typeset in this environment will open a new page and occupy it completely with any text. Moreover it will be printed where declared in the source.
Best regards