Fonts & Character SetsAccents not showing with \lstinputlisting command for Scilab codes (ISO-UTF8)

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Accents not showing with \lstinputlisting command for Scilab codes (ISO-UTF8)

Post by yurica »

Hello LaTeX Community!

I am writing a Scilab book in Portuguese language using ISO-8859-1 character encoding. However, all my Scilab codes are written in UTF-8 encoding. So when I write:

Code: Select all

for example, my Scilab code is being showed like that:

Code: Select all

//limpando a memoria e o console do scilab 

//constante pi
pi = 3.141592;

//os comandos printf, mprintf e disp escrevem no console
mprintf("Programa para converter graus decimais em radianos. \n\n");

//nao é necessário declarar uma variável e seu tipo
ang = input("Digite um angulo em graus decimais: ");

//transformando o angulo em radianos
rad = ang*(pi)/(180);

//escrevendo o resultado no console
printf("%f graus corresponde a %f radianos",ang,rad);
The accents are not working.

In sum: All the accents work perfectly on all my texts due to the ISO-8859-1 encoding. Just the codes that come from a .sce (Scilab) file have those weird symbols instead of the accents. How can I solve that problem? Thanks in advance.


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Accents not showing with \lstinputlisting command for Scilab codes (ISO-UTF8)

Post by Johannes_B »

Have a look at listings-utf8.
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