Page LayoutEDAS treating subfigures within a figure as columns

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EDAS treating subfigures within a figure as columns

Post by Johannes_B »

Please check if you can replace your current figure with

Code: Select all

 \caption{Problem Figure}
If the error persists, complain to the EDAS team.

If there is no error, your image might be too big (in the example it gets pushed to page 4 because it didn't really fit on page three. Try to split the image. As far as i can tell, this are two different but related data sets.
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EDAS treating subfigures within a figure as columns

Post by qasimilyas »

Excellent. It worked!
Just in case someone else is looking to solve a similar problem, the set height 4cm did work but it was too small. So I kept increasing it until it didn't work again. Due to the nature of my figures, I set that max height possible (although it was still less than the height of the original figure).
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