Page LayoutRotating a table in a Latex Template

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Rotating a table in a Latex Template

Post by Jordanb »

I would like to rotate a table on one page within a chapter so that it falls horizontally across the page (the rest of the document is in portrait). I have tried multiple commands suggested on other forum pages so I suspect that there is something unique about either my document template or my table.

I am using the Masters-Doctoral-Thesis-Template []

The table in coded as:

\caption{Variable names and description}
\textbf{Variable name} & \textbf{Description} \\ \hline
A1 & 4 \\
A2 & 6 \\
A3 & 2 \\ \hline

Please can you offer any suggestions to rotate this table. Thank you.

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Rotating a table in a Latex Template

Post by Johannes_B »

What have you tried so far? The template should behave just like any other class, there shouldn't be anything special.
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Rotating a table in a Latex Template

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Welcome to the forum!
Jordanb wrote:I have tried multiple commands suggested on other forum pages
Please show what you tried and tell us why it did not work. Otherwise it may happen that, without knowing what commands did not work for you, we may suggest the same commands. It's usually easier when you show us what did not work and we fix it.

Stefan admin
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