My text in the Texmaker editor is turning green halfway down the page in one of my chapter.tex files.
I don't know why it is doing this but it seems to also affect the pdf document changing the normal formatting to italics.
Any help is appreciated
Texmaker and TeXstudio ⇒ Green coloured text in Texmaker editor
Green coloured text in Texmaker editor
There must be a
somewhere...Green coloured text in Texmaker editor
I don't know Texmaker, much less its coloring scheme, but I'd suspect a math shift somewhere just prior to the `italics', either direct (e.g., a dollar sign) or indirect (e.g., an underscore), the latter is usually accompanied by a message like `missing $ inserted' in the log file.
Whatever the case, it should be fairly easy to produce a
minimal working example from the source: just leave a single word each, before and after the `turning point'...
Whatever the case, it should be fairly easy to produce a
