As a beginner / intermediate user of LateX, working under TeXstudio 2.12.4 with MikTeX 2.9, I have some side issues trying to include appendix using the "appendices package" with the Legrand Orange Book:
1- In the Table of contents, I want to print them as "Appendix A TitleA" instead of "A TitleA",
2- In the main text, I also need their titles this way "Appendix A. TitleA" instead of "A. TitleA",
3- And the same to the part heads,
4- If possible, I would like to do so for subappendices as well.
After some time looking for solutions on this forum and others, I tryed the following things:
- Placing \usepackage[titletoc,title]{appendices} in various places in the structure.tex file, thus trying to avoid compatibility problems with babel (here in english so no problem with that) and href
---> Before href seems mandatory. In any case, package options [titletoc,title] will not work due to the structure.tex file definitions.
- \renecommand{\@chapapp}{Appendix\space\Alph{chapter}} on the appendices environment, on the main.tex file
---> Graphical result is awfull (mixed characters, appearance of the word title, etc...),
- Other way of adding elements to \chapter, \thechapter on the main.tex file, etc
--- >have the same result
- Implementing condition analysis on \chapapp, like : if {appendixname} then ... else ... for TOC, part header, aso., in the structure.tex file, with related graphical modifications
---> Does not recognise the variable as beeing \appendixname, thus the classical graphic rules for chapters applies
- Having no further good ideas
---> Makes me cry and eating ice cream
The MWE is the Legrand Orange book Template ( ... range-book), with
added in the structure.tex file right after the "bibliography and index" section, plus:\begin{appendices}
Added before the "Bibliography" section of the main.tex file.
Let me know if you need any further info. I would be more than happy to get some help about all this.
It seems I cannot add attachements, as I am new here, I might have missed something ?