Theses, Books, Title pagesLegrand Orange Book Template: Appendices & Table of Content

Classicthesis, Bachelor and Master thesis, PhD, Doctoral degree
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Legrand Orange Book Template: Appendices & Table of Content

Post by Thom »

Hi everyone,

As a beginner / intermediate user of LateX, working under TeXstudio 2.12.4 with MikTeX 2.9, I have some side issues trying to include appendix using the "appendices package" with the Legrand Orange Book:

1- In the Table of contents, I want to print them as "Appendix A TitleA" instead of "A TitleA",
2- In the main text, I also need their titles this way "Appendix A. TitleA" instead of "A. TitleA",
3- And the same to the part heads,
4- If possible, I would like to do so for subappendices as well.

After some time looking for solutions on this forum and others, I tryed the following things:

- Placing \usepackage[titletoc,title]{appendices} in various places in the structure.tex file, thus trying to avoid compatibility problems with babel (here in english so no problem with that) and href
---> Before href seems mandatory. In any case, package options [titletoc,title] will not work due to the structure.tex file definitions.

- \renecommand{\@chapapp}{Appendix\space\Alph{chapter}} on the appendices environment, on the main.tex file
---> Graphical result is awfull (mixed characters, appearance of the word title, etc...),

- Other way of adding elements to \chapter, \thechapter on the main.tex file, etc
--- >have the same result

- Implementing condition analysis on \chapapp, like : if {appendixname} then ... else ... for TOC, part header, aso., in the structure.tex file, with related graphical modifications
---> Does not recognise the variable as beeing \appendixname, thus the classical graphic rules for chapters applies

- Having no further good ideas
---> Makes me cry and eating ice cream

The MWE is the Legrand Orange book Template ( ... range-book), with \usepackage{appendices} added in the structure.tex file right after the "bibliography and index" section, plus:




Added before the "Bibliography" section of the main.tex file.

Let me know if you need any further info. I would be more than happy to get some help about all this.

It seems I cannot add attachements, as I am new here, I might have missed something ?
"The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom."
== Isaac Asimov - Past, Present & Future - 1987

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Legrand Orange Book Template: Appendices & Table of Content

Post by Thom »

Hello again,

Does someone have a solution for this matter ?

As a new member of the forum, I was wondering if there were any problems with this post as well ?
"The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom."
== Isaac Asimov - Past, Present & Future - 1987
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Legrand Orange Book Template: Appendices & Table of Content

Post by thomasb »

This is summer time, maybe within a few days you will have plenty of answers... (personally, I never used appendices yet, so I can't help, sorry)
Keep going forward with your work, and the solution might appear to you.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Legrand Orange Book Template: Appendices & Table of Content

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

This seems to work I think:

Code: Select all

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Legrand Orange Book Template: Appendices & Table of Content

Post by Thom »

Thank you for your answers !

tomasb, I will continue ;)

Stefan, I have tried this possibility before, it works partially indeed. Partially because:
1- The word Appendix does not appear in the table of content, there is still "A. Test" insted ("Appendix A. Test" needed), it appears with appendices package though, but it applies the graphical instructions specified in the structure file, mixing texts because of lack of space between "Appendix A." and "Test",
2- If I add sections to this, "Appendix A.1." appears to the left of its title, which goes out of the page.

For 1, I tried a condition to the structure file in the TOC part but it seems it cannot do the difference between a \chaptertitle and an \appendixtitle, any explanation and ideas ?
For 2, I might try a similar condition in the corresponding part of the structure file,

If you think of anything else, share with us !
"The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom."
== Isaac Asimov - Past, Present & Future - 1987
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