Thank you for your reply . for now I have to work with a template - short time as usual, and not enough LaTex knowledge ....Johannes_B wrote:We have some pretty old computers in the basement of of my institute at the university, they are running software needed for research. Software, that won't work on a recent computer or operating system.
My advice would be to check that first with the administrators.
My off-topic remark was concerning the (Masters/Doctoral thesis) template, not (La)TeX in general. The template needs some recent (two or three years) updates of LaTeX, but it will break with the very recent (last week) updates, due to some mistakes made by one of the maintainers.
The one responsible for the recent break is me, sorry for the inconvenience. On the other hand, i am not very fond of templates and encourage users not to use any templates.
Referrign to that same template, I cannot compile the main section, due to an error on this line
{\scshape\LARGE \univname\par}\vspace{1.5cm} % University name
which refers to this previous one:
\university{\href{}{Technische Universität Berlin}} % Your university's name and URL, this is used in the title page and abstract, print it elsewhere with \univname
...any suggestion ? Can it be related to what you mentioned ?
Many many thanks!