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suggestions about the the better TeX distribution

Post by danielvelizv »

Good afternoon people

Hello people. I'm working in a project that consists in a math book, I'm employing koma-script to improve my typography but I want to use the best
TeX distribution to finish my work.

Can anyone suggest me the best option considering what I said before? With a professional point of view please

Thanks, regards :D :D

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suggestions about the the better TeX distribution

Post by Johannes_B »

From a professional point of view, you only have two options (MikTeX and TeX Live) and both are equally good.

Many TeX helpers encourage to use TeX Live (i am one of them), but it really doesn't matter.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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suggestions about the the better TeX distribution

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Next week, June 1st, the newest version of TeX Live will be released. TeX Live 2017 has been thoroughly tested, issues and fixes have been discussed on the tex-live mailing list. That's a good opportunity to install a new TeX distribution. After the release, updates to TeX Live are available via CTAN.

TeX Live is maintained and backed by the international TeX Users Group. And it runs on Windows, Linux, Apple Mac OS X, and more Unixes. Since it comes from and with the Unix world, it comes with a lot of small tools.

I used MiKTeX many years ago, when it had a package manager and TeX Live did not have yet one. It was easier to install and to update. That changed in 2008, since then I am using TeX Live. I cannot say much about MiKTeX as a non-user. The MiKTeX distribution is the work of one man, so it mainly depends on him and his time.

There is a review of Joseph Wright, one of our moderators: TeX on Windows: TeX Live versus MiKTeX revisited.

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suggestions about the the better TeX distribution

Post by danielvelizv »

Stefan Kottwitz wrote:Next week, June 1st, the newest version of TeX Live will be released. TeX Live 2017 has been thoroughly tested, issues and fixes have been discussed on the tex-live mailing list. That's a good opportunity to install a new TeX distribution. After the release, updates to TeX Live are available via CTAN.

TeX Live is maintained and backed by the international TeX Users Group. And it runs on Windows, Linux, Apple Mac OS X, and more Unixes. Since it comes from and with the Unix world, it comes with a lot of small tools.

I used MiKTeX many years ago, when it had a package manager and TeX Live did not have yet one. It was easier to install and to update. That changed in 2008, since then I am using TeX Live. I cannot say much about MiKTeX as a non-user. The MiKTeX distribution is the work of one man, so it mainly depends on him and his time.

There is a review of Joseph Wright, one of our moderators: TeX on Windows: TeX Live versus MiKTeX revisited.

Thanks for your reply. It helps me a lot your information, owing to the circumstances, I think it's better to wait for the release of this new version of TeX Live, regards!
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suggestions about the the better TeX distribution

Post by SerenaTex »

Hi , I have a MOS Mountain Lion 10.8.5 and I urgently need to start my writing on Latex (which I already used on other computers..)
I have not been able to find the right Latex version to install (as editor and compiler).
Could you please help me? Possibly with a link form where I can straight away install the right package ?
Thanks a lot
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suggestions about the the better TeX distribution

Post by Johannes_B »

Hi Serena

Check if the editor you previously used is available on mac, if not, use one that seems comfortable to you.
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suggestions about the the better TeX distribution

Post by SerenaTex »

Hi and thank you for your answer. However I did know that link! but is very chriptic to find the right version if you do not have the latest MOS !
The directions on the following page
are not easy to follow !
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