Theses, Books, Title pagesHow to use more than 60 files on Overleaf

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How to use more than 60 files on Overleaf

Post by acetylcholin »

I'm currently writting a report with more than 60 files (figures, images, bibliography) on Overleaf and I can not add more file to my project because the number of files is limited to 60 on Overleaf.
So, I'm looking for a solution that would allow me to add more file to my document. What I find on the Internet is only about creating a second .tex file in the current project but I think that it doesn't allow me to add more files.
One of the possible solution could be merging different projects but I'm don't know if it's feasible on Overleaf and if it won't be problematic because of references.

Do you have any clue about how I can overcome this problem ?
Thanks for your help ! :D

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How to use more than 60 files on Overleaf

Post by Johannes_B »

If you want to use Overleaf for free, you have some limitations, for example a limit of 60 files.

You can get a pro account for a reasonable price, if you are a student, you get 50% off.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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