Fonts & Character SetsHow to use new fonts in LaTeX

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How to use new fonts in LaTeX

Post by fabioonier »

Hi, everybody.

I'm writing a book and my publisher asked to me to do it with several TrueType fonts. I've read that it is possible (en very simple) compiling with XeLaTeX but I've had problems with that compiler.

I found this ftp link with many TrueType fonts.
I guess that I can use them in LaTeX because I was watching the fonts folder in my Opensuse Leap 42.2 and I found that the LaTeX fonts have the pfb extension. So, if these fonts have the same extension, I guess it is possible to use them in LaTeX.

Does it possible to use them? How could I do it?

Thanks for your help.

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How to use new fonts in LaTeX

Post by rais »

what can I say?
Careful what you wish for ;)

You may wish to read fntguide, fontinstallationguide, and fontinst, all of which should be available on your system by texdoc, e. g.,`texdoc fntguide'.
(If not, you can look them up on CTAN)

While you're trying to make a font usable on your system, you may want to keep `texdoc tex-font-cheatsheet' open...

OTOH, when you fix your XeLaTeX issue, you can probably use any font, `fc-list' (i. e., fonts your OS knows about) can show you.

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