- How to remove the column header at the beginning of every left column page? The image is in following:
- How to add bookmarks (switch to every capital letter, such as A, B, C, etc. at the head-position of every words group) into the output PDF document. To be precise, when I open the output through Acrobat Adobe Pro I couldn't find the bookmarks on the left-hand side. I have already loaded the package hyperref, however, it didn't work.
Code: Select all
\usepackage[top=2.0cm, bottom=3.5cm, left=2cm, right=2cm]{geometry}%default top=1.5cm
\usepackage[icelandic, czech, english]{babel}
\newcommand{\ornpar}{\noindent \textcolor{darkgray}{ \raisebox{-1.9pt}[10pt][10pt]{\leafright} \hrulefill \raisebox{-1.9pt}[10pt][10pt]{\leafright \decofourleft \decothreeleft \aldineright \decotwo \floweroneleft \decoone}}}
\newcommand{\ornimpar}{\textcolor{darkgray}{\raisebox{-1.9pt}[10pt][10pt]{\decoone \floweroneright \decotwo \aldineleft \decothreeright \decofourright \leafleft} \hrulefill \raisebox{-1.9pt}[10pt][10pt]{\leafleft}}}
\newcommand\entry[4][]{\hangpara{2em}{1}{\fontfamily{phv}\selectfont{\textbf{{#2}}}}\ #4\
#3 \ifx\relax #1 \relax \markboth{#2}{#2}\else\markboth{#1}{#1}\fi
\vspace*{5pt}\par} \nopagebreak[4]
% use fancyhdr or whatever you want to add
% the boxes to the header to make them appear
% on every page
% new counter to hold the current number of the
% letter to determine the vertical position
% newcounter for the sum of all letters to get
% the right height of a box
% some margin settings
% calculate the box height by dividing the page height
% box width
% style the boxes
minimum height=\thumbheight,
text width=\thumbwidth,
outer sep=0pt,
% see pgfmanual.pdf for more information about this part
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\node [thumb,text centered,anchor=north east,] at ($%
(current page.north east)-%
$) {#1};
% see pgfmanual.pdf for more information about this part
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\node [thumb,text centered,anchor=north west,] at ($%
(current page.north west)-%
$) {#1};
% create a new command to set a new lettergroup
\chead{\oddthumb{#1}}% chapters start only on odd pages
\fancyhead[LO]{ \raisebox{1em}{ \fontfamily{phv} \selectfont{\textbf{\rightmark}} } \oddthumb{#1}}
\fancyhead[RE]{ \raisebox{1em}{ \fontfamily{phv} \selectfont{\textbf{\leftmark}} } \eventhumb{#1}}
\fancyhead[RO]{{\fontfamily{phv}\selectfont{\textbf{\raisebox{1em} {\leftmark}}}}}
% step the counter of the letters
\def\headrule{ { \color{darkgray} \raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]{\leafright} \hrulefill \raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]{~~~\decofourleft \decotwo \decofourright~~~} \hrulefill \raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]{ \leafleft} } }
% \renewcommand\headrule{ {\color{darkgray}\raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]{\leafright} \hrulefill \raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]{~~~\decofourleft \decotwo \decofourright~~~} \hrulefill \raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]{ \leafleft}} }
% % \renewcommand\headrule{{\leafright} \hrulefill
% % \raisebox{-2.1pt}[10pt][10pt]{\quad\decofourleft\decotwo\decofourright \quad}{\hrulefill}\leafleft}
% \fancyhead[LE,LO]{{\fontfamily{phv}\selectfont{\textbf{\raisebox{1em} {\rightmark}}}}}
% \fancyhead[CO,CE]{\headrule}%\thepage,\headrule
% \fancyhead[RE,RO]{{\fontfamily{phv}\selectfont{\textbf{\raisebox{1em} {\leftmark}}}}}
\ornimpar \\ \hfill \textcolor{darkgray}{\large \leafNE ~~~ \raisebox{-0.35em}{\textsf{\textbf{\thepage}}} } }
\fancyfoot[RE]{\ornpar \\ \textcolor{darkgray}{\large \raisebox{-0.35em} {\textsf{\textbf{\thepage}}} ~~~ \reflectbox{\leafNE}} \hfill }
\centering\Huge \adforn{26}\adforn{21}\quad\adforn{11}\quad\adforn{49} \adforn{54}
\texttt{My Dictionary}\par
{\hfill\centering \large{The Author}\hfill}
% \hyperlink{A}{\dictchar{A}}
\entry[philosophy]{philosophy} {Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
adipiscing elit. Ut purus elit, vestibulum ut, \emph{plac- erat ac}}{/yinfu/}
\entry[Math]{Math}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet}{/yinfu/}