Theses, Books, Title pagesChanging style of numbering for the parts of a book

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Changing style of numbering for the parts of a book

Post by fabioonier »

Hello, everybody. My name is Fabio and I'm new in this forum.

I'm writing a book and I need to make a change to the numbering of chapters, sections, theorems,... The problem is that the numbers always finish with a dot (example: Theorem 1.1.) and I need to show the numbering without that dot (example: Theorem 1.1)

How could I do it?

Thanks for your attention and help.

Please, forgive me my english writing.

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Changing style of numbering for the parts of a book

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Fabio,

welcome to the forum!

Do you use a KOMA-Script document class, such as scrbook or scrreprt? In that case just add the noenddot option, such as


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Changing style of numbering for the parts of a book

Post by fabioonier »

Hi, Stefan.

I'm using just the book document class. In that case, how can I eliminate the end dot of the numbering of the parts of the book?

Thanks for your help.
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Changing style of numbering for the parts of a book

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

That numbering style is not the default with the book class. Can you please post your document settings, that is, the complete document preamble until \begin{document}?

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Changing style of numbering for the parts of a book

Post by fabioonier »

Hi, Stefan. This is my document settings

Code: Select all

Code, edit and compile here:
\newtheorem*{main}{Main Theorem}
It's a math book. That's why I need to enumerate chapters, sections, subsections (theorems, definitions, lemmas, notations,...)

You say that the book style doesn't display the numbers with a dot at the end (e.g, 1.2.) but that's what I get in the output. I don't understand why.

Thanks for your help
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Changing style of numbering for the parts of a book

Post by Johannes_B »

The dot for section numbers is caused by the spanish option to babel. Add es-nosectiondot to the babel options.

Concerning theorems etc., they are ruled by amsthm. Use newtheoremstyle to customize their appearance.
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Changing style of numbering for the parts of a book

Post by fabioonier »

Hi, Johannes_B.
The option es-nosectiondot worked! Thanks for your help.

I was reading the documentation for \newtheoremstyle and nothing is said about how can I modify the numbering style. I guess that I have to email to the author.

Thanks for your help.
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Changing style of numbering for the parts of a book

Post by Johannes_B »

If i look into amsthdoc.pdf i can see a semicolon and a comment: Punctuation after theorem head.

That should be what is doing something in your case, but to be honest, i didn't really test.

Please, let's kepp it to a forum, where many people can read and answer questions instead of asking one single person directly.
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Changing style of numbering for the parts of a book

Post by fabioonier »

Hi, everybody. The problem is solved, thanks to Johannes_B.

The amsthdoc.pdf has instructions about how to definite a new theorem enviromnment. It was simple: just define a theorem environment with what you want and then use that theorem environment.

I guess this topic is solved and closed.

Thanks to Stefan and Johannes_B for your help.
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