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The Legrand Orange Book Template doesn't work in

Post by vjavierf »


I have created a new project in with The Legrand Orange Book Template and it doesn't work.

Please, Could you help me?

This is the error:
sharelatex.png (123.2 KiB) Viewed 5465 times

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Stefan Kottwitz
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The Legrand Orange Book Template doesn't work in

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Welcome to the forum!

The cause of the error may be within the file structure.tex. Can you please post your structure.tex here, as attachment? There's a link "Attachments" below the edit field, when writing, for attaching documents or screenshots.

Stefan admin
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The Legrand Orange Book Template doesn't work in

Post by vjavierf »

Hi Stefan,

Thanks for answering.

Sure, here is the file...
(19.06 KiB) Downloaded 517 times
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Stefan Kottwitz
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The Legrand Orange Book Template doesn't work in

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Interesting - that file structure.tex is perfectly ok. Can it be that sharelatex uses a different version?
Can you please also post the main.log file, and main.tex? You can post it without your personal text.

I may have time in 2-3 hours to look at it again, I'm traveling.

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The Legrand Orange Book Template doesn't work in

Post by vjavierf »

Stefan, I upload a project in selecting a zip file. In this case, the file with the template files.

I compile without changes. And I get this errors:

structure.tex:396:1: Error: Found `\end{tikzpicture}' without corresponding \begin. \end{tikzpicture}}%
structure.tex:407:1: Error: Found `\end{tikzpicture}' without corresponding \begin. \end{tikzpicture}}
structure.tex:445:1: Error: Found `\end{tikzpicture}' without corresponding \begin. \end{tikzpicture}
structure.tex:454:1: Error: Found `\end{tikzpicture}' without corresponding \begin. \end{tikzpicture}
structure.tex:467:1: Error: Found `\end{tikzpicture}' without corresponding \begin. \end{tikzpicture}

Next, I edit structure.txt and delete this lines:


It resolve the errors.

Next, I compile again and I get the error in line: \input{structure}

Here is the file with the output.log:
(55.37 KiB) Downloaded 604 times

Sorry for my english.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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The Legrand Orange Book Template doesn't work in

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

The error messages said "I suspect you have forgotten a `}'" and that is correct, you deleted too much curly braces }.

By removing \end{tikzpicture}}% you removed the command \end{tikzpicture} but also another } that closes a group { ... }.

Put them in again.

Or better, restore the original structure.tex. That's because the file structure.tex is fine. The error message earlier may be misleading. For example, structure.tex contains in lines 386 to 396:

Code: Select all

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]%
\node at (current page.north west){\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]%	
\fill[ocre!20](0cm,0cm) rectangle (\paperwidth,-\paperheight);
\node[anchor=north] at (4cm,-3.25cm){\color{ocre!40}\fontsize{220}{100}\sffamily\bfseries\thepart}; 
\node[anchor=south east] at (\paperwidth-1cm,-\paperheight+1cm){\parbox[t][][t]{8.5cm}{
\node[anchor=north east] at (\paperwidth-1.5cm,-3.25cm){\parbox[t][][t]{15cm}{\strut\raggedleft\color{white}\fontsize{30}{30}\sffamily\bfseries#2}};
Both \begin{tikzpicture} are there, so the error message is somehow wrong. Maybe there was an error message earlier, that tike cannot be loaded and so \begin{tikzpicture} wasn't accepted and so \end{tikzpicture} does not have a corresponding \begin.

If you restore the original structure.tex, and run the compiling, you can post that .log file here again as attachment to see what's wrong the the tikzpicture environment.

Stefan admin
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The Legrand Orange Book Template doesn't work in

Post by vjavierf »

Hi Stefan,

I have restored the original structure.tex and, I only get this errors:

structure.tex:396:1: Error: Found `\end{tikzpicture}' without corresponding \begin. \end{tikzpicture}}%
structure.tex:407:1: Error: Found `\end{tikzpicture}' without corresponding \begin. \end{tikzpicture}}
structure.tex:445:1: Error: Found `\end{tikzpicture}' without corresponding \begin. \end{tikzpicture}
structure.tex:454:1: Error: Found `\end{tikzpicture}' without corresponding \begin. \end{tikzpicture}
structure.tex:467:1: Error: Found `\end{tikzpicture}' without corresponding \begin. \end{tikzpicture}

But the problem is solved if I don't check syntax before compile. This is ok for me.

Thank you for your time and, support.

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