Theses, Books, Title pagesChapter Header

Classicthesis, Bachelor and Master thesis, PhD, Doctoral degree
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Chapter Header

Post by vinaykumarn »


How to remove the chapter caption (i.e., Chapter 1) in the header of each chapter. For your reference, the sample code and screen have been given.

\ihead{\headmark\raggedleft \hspace{1cm}}% Inner header % UPDATED BY VKN: REGARDING RIGHT ALIGNMENT OF CAPTION
\ohead[\pagemark]{\pagemark}% Outer header
Query.png (109.98 KiB) Viewed 12531 times

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Chapter Header

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

This code doesn't work, \providepairofpagestyles{thesisSimple}{% has no closing brace following it.

Since you don't show any code, we don't even know the document class, we cannot test and fix. Perhaps provide a Infominimal working example, that's usually a guarantee for a solution.

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Chapter Header

Post by vinaykumarn »

Please find the below minimal working code:

Code: Select all

\ProvidesClass{\classname}[2015/11/08 v1.2]






\ifbool{parskip}{\RequirePackage{parskip}} % If the parskip option is passed to the class, require the parskip package 


\ifbool{listtoc}{% If the liststotoc option has been passed to the class, add the lists to the table of contents

\ifbool{toctoc}{% If the toctotoc options has been passed to the class, add the table of contents to the table of contents


% If the option `nolistspacing' is given, the spacing in the different lists is reduced to single spacing. This option is only useful, if the spacing of the document has been changed to onehalfspacing or doublespacing.

% Addchap provides unnumbered chapters with an entry in the table of contents as well as an updated header
\ProvideDocumentCommand{\addchap}{ s o m }{%

\ProvideDocumentCommand{\addsec}{ s o m }{%


\RequirePackage{babel} % Required for automatically changing names of document elements to languages besides english

\RequirePackage{scrbase} % Required for handling language-dependent names of sections/document elements

\RequirePackage{scrhack} % Loads fixes for various packages

\RequirePackage{setspace} % Required for changing line spacing

\RequirePackage{longtable} % Required for tables that span multiple pages (used in the symbols, abbreviations and physical constants pages)

\RequirePackage{siunitx} % Required for \SI commands

\RequirePackage{graphicx} % Required to include images
\graphicspath{{Figures/}{./}} % Specifies where to look for included images

\RequirePackage{booktabs} % Required for better table rules

\RequirePackage[centerlast,small,sc]{caption} % Required for customising the captions


\newcommand{\checktoopen}{% New command to move content to the next page which prints to the next odd page if twosided mode is active  
\ifdef{\phantomsection}{\phantomsection}{}% The \phantomsection command is necessary for hyperref to jump to the correct page

\newcommand\tttypeout[1]{\bhrule\typeout{\space #1}\bhrule}

\newcommand{\HRule}{\rule{\linewidth}{0.5mm}} % New command to make the lines in the title page
\newcommand{\decoRule}{\rule{.8\textwidth}{.4pt}} % New command for a rule to be used under figures
% ************************************* IMPORTANT VKN ******************************* %
\renewcommand{\abovechapterspace}{\vspace*{10pt}} % Reduce the whitespace above a chapter heading
% *********************************************************************************** %
\setcounter{tocdepth}{3} % The depth to which the document sections are printed to the table of contents
% ************************* IMPORTANT: ADDING DIFFERENT CHAPTER CONTENTS - VKN ****************** %
% *********************************************************************************************** %





\doublehyphendemerits=10000 % No consecutive line hyphens
\brokenpenalty=10000 % No broken words across columns/pages
\widowpenalty=9999 % Almost no widows at bottom of page
\clubpenalty=9999 % Almost no orphans at top of page
\interfootnotelinepenalty=9999 % Almost never break footnotes


\ihead{\headmark\raggedleft \hspace{1cm}}% Inner header % UPDATED BY VKN: REGARDING RIGHT ALIGNMENT OF CAPTION
\ohead[\pagemark]{\pagemark}% Outer header
\ifoot{}% Inner footer
\ofoot{}% Outer footer
\PreventPackageFromLoading[\ClassError{\classname}{Package `fancyhdr' is
incompatible\MessageBreak with this class}{The pagesyles are defined 
using package `scrlayer-scrpage', please consult the\MessageBreak 
KOMA-script documentation for details.}]{fancyhdr}


\def\cleardoublepage{\clearpage\if@twoside \ifodd\c@page\else
Last edited by Stefan Kottwitz on Sun Jun 11, 2017 1:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter Header

Post by Johannes_B »

Usually, that would be done using just \renewcommand{\chaptermarkformat}{} in the preamble.

Anyway, i didn't look into your modification of the template, since only the original template as found on are supported. Also, only the recent version and one version back are supported.

Current version of the class file is 1.5.

Also, why do you change the class file if it is not needed. As far as i can tell, all changes could have been made in the preamble of the document, like it is supposed to be. Changing a class file for inexperienced users is highly discouraged.

Edit: We already covered that months back. But i honestly made a mistake by confusing inner and outer margin based on the screenshot.
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Chapter Header

Post by vinaykumarn »

Hai sir,

Your suggestion is still not working. I have put your codes in the preamble of chapter.tex but it is not working...?

Thanking in advance.
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Chapter Header

Post by Johannes_B »

You did not provide a minimal workung example in the past and you didn't provide one now. How are we supposed to know why it doesn't work for you?

A minimal example is essential to help you.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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Chapter Header

Post by vinaykumarn »

Thank you sir. Problem is solved...
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Chapter Header

Post by vinaykumarn »

How to remove the huge space before the following sections
1. Chapter heading of each chapter
2. Contents
3. List of Figures
4. List of Tables
5. Abbreviations
Please do the needful. Find the minimal code below for your reference.

Thanking you

Code: Select all


\ihead{\headmark\raggedleft \hspace{1cm}}
\ohead[\pagemark]{\pagemark}% Outer header
\ifoot{}% Inner footer
\ofoot{}% Outer footer
\PreventPackageFromLoading[\ClassError{\classname}{Package `fancyhdr' is
incompatible\MessageBreak with this class}{The pagesyles are defined 
using package `scrlayer-scrpage', please consult the\MessageBreak 
KOMA-script documentation for details.}]{fancyhdr}


\def\cleardoublepage{\clearpage\if@twoside \ifodd\c@page\else
Last edited by Stefan Kottwitz on Sun Jun 11, 2017 1:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chapter Header

Post by Johannes_B »

Please stop posting (and hence distributing) completely unrelated stuff from a class file.

Without a minimal working example, the following works for the default template: \renewcommand{\abovechapterskip}{\vspace{0pt}}

Since you don't seem to understand what a minimal working example is, find a useful link here: How to create a minimal working example?
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Chapter Header

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

With a pretty new TeX installation and KOMA-Script


With an older one:


You can insert something for the distance instead of 0pt.

As Johannes said, a Infominimal working example is quite important and often a guarantee for a solution. I understand, that it may be difficult in case of your template or document structure. Anyway take a look at the Infominimal working example link and Johannes' link above, to better understand. Or this one. It can really help next time. ;)

Stefan admin
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