Page Layoutminimum example to generate png's for web page

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minimum example to generate png's for web page

Post by L1127 »

Hi, I want to generate PNG images of equations to go on a webpage. My idea is to use the 'latex' and 'dvipng' commands. The thing I'm having trouble with is how to set up the minimum standalone LaTeX document. You know, setting up a document that generates the equation at the smallest page size that fits it, without trying to lay out to a specific paper size. (I'm not sure I'm describing this right, but you probably get the idea.)

I tried this:

Code: Select all

 x & = 3 \\
 y &= 4 
But I get an error, "missing \endgroup inserted"

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minimum example to generate png's for web page

Post by Johannes_B »

To align equations, a fixed line with is needed. Try to put your align locks into a minipage.
Yes, that needs manual adjusting of the width.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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