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by j707
Thu May 26, 2011 11:13 am
Forum: MiKTeX and proTeXt
Topic: Miktex 2.9 (pdflatex) very slow with figures
Replies: 5
Views: 14833

Re: Miktex 2.9 (pdflatex) very slow with figures


It seems that the problem is fixed now. I don't know exactly why. What I did was to update all packages (as admin). It took several minutes. Then in Settings (admin), I refreshed FNDB, and clicked on "update formats". (I have to say I don't know exactly what all these things are for...)

But in ...
by j707
Mon Feb 14, 2011 1:58 pm
Forum: MiKTeX and proTeXt
Topic: Miktex 2.9 (pdflatex) very slow with figures
Replies: 5
Views: 14833

Miktex 2.9 (pdflatex) very slow with figures

Thanks for your message and suggestion. Unfortunately it does not work for me. In Miktex 2.9, Maintenance, Settings, I changed the "Install missing packages on the fly" option from "ask me first" to "No", as you suggested. But it does not improve on the speed when I compile. I tried "Refresh ...
by j707
Fri Nov 05, 2010 4:26 pm
Forum: MiKTeX and proTeXt
Topic: Miktex 2.9 (pdflatex) very slow with figures
Replies: 5
Views: 14833

Re: Miktex 2.9 (pdflatex) very slow with figures

I just want to say that I have the same problem with Windows 7.
I have Miktek 2.7 at home with Windows Vista on an old computer; it's fast. The same document takes ages to compile with Miktek 2.9 on Windows 7 at work (new computer).

It seems to be because of the images I include in the text with ...