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by SkyHiRider
Sat May 14, 2011 8:17 pm
Forum: Conversion Tools
Topic: pdflatex, pdfpages - import pdf with bookmarks
Replies: 6
Views: 10592

pdflatex, pdfpages - import pdf with bookmarks

It was actually

Code: Select all

that fixed it. Thanks!
by SkyHiRider
Sat May 14, 2011 5:32 pm
Forum: Conversion Tools
Topic: pdflatex, pdfpages - import pdf with bookmarks
Replies: 6
Views: 10592

pdflatex, pdfpages - import pdf with bookmarks

Answer to my previous question for future readers: use the pdfannotextractor command (works on Ubuntu).

If you're getting a weird error, use pdfannotextractor --install (this should fix the perl dependencies and automatically install all the needed packages).

Have a new issue: How do I remove pdf ...
by SkyHiRider
Sat May 14, 2011 4:11 pm
Forum: Conversion Tools
Topic: pdflatex, pdfpages - import pdf with bookmarks
Replies: 6
Views: 10592

Re: pdflatex, pdfpages - import pdf with bookmarks

Thanks, didn't know about pax. Now just to find a way of running it on a Linux distro with Texlive installed.
by SkyHiRider
Fri May 13, 2011 3:12 pm
Forum: Conversion Tools
Topic: pdflatex, pdfpages - import pdf with bookmarks
Replies: 6
Views: 10592

pdflatex, pdfpages - import pdf with bookmarks

I'm using pdflatex to generate pdf files and the pdfpages class to import pdf files into my document (\includepdf).

When a pdf file is imported it looses all of its bookmarks that were present in the original file. Is there a way to preserve the bookmarks in the new file?
by SkyHiRider
Tue May 10, 2011 9:29 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Add attachment to last line of imported pdf
Replies: 0
Views: 2196

Add attachment to last line of imported pdf

I am importing a pdf file using the pdfpages package and wish to add an attachment after the last text line in the imported pdf file. When I use attachfile a new empty page is created and the attachment is added there.

Is there a way to force attachfile to add the attachment on the last page of ...
by SkyHiRider
Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:13 pm
Forum: Text Formatting
Topic: Automatically add white space
Replies: 2
Views: 2069

Automatically add white space

I need to add ~ between a single letter word and another word so they don't get separated. When the letter and word is between \begin{verbatim} and \end{verbatim}, it should be ignored as that is source code that doesn't need white spaces.

Is there a good application or command line tool that can ...
by SkyHiRider
Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:55 pm
Forum: Text Formatting
Topic: automatically arrange code input
Replies: 1
Views: 1656

automatically arrange code input

I found this:
\lstset{ %
language=C++, % choose the language of the code
basicstyle=\footnotesize, % the size of the fonts that are used for the code
numbers=left, % where to put the line-numbers
numberstyle=\footnotesize, % the size of the fonts that are used for the line ...
by SkyHiRider
Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:56 pm
Forum: Text Formatting
Topic: automatically arrange code input
Replies: 1
Views: 1656

automatically arrange code input

I'm writing a work with lots of Linux terminal input and output commands. I'm using

ip xfrm state add src \
dst proto esp spi 0x53fa0fdd \
mode transport reqid 16386 replay-window 32 \
auth "hmac(sha1)" \
0x55f01ac07e15e437115dde0aedd18a822ba9f81e ...
by SkyHiRider
Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:16 pm
Forum: Graphics, Figures & Tables
Topic: pdflatex wont import png files
Replies: 4
Views: 2516

Re: pdflatex wont import png files

Yes, it was draft mode! How silly of me, thanks.

That just proves that sometimes a mass of code is not needed, but I just didn't want to create a large post.
by SkyHiRider
Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:08 pm
Forum: Graphics, Figures & Tables
Topic: pdflatex wont import png files
Replies: 4
Views: 2516

pdflatex wont import png files

I'm using pdflatex. Using \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx}

The file is named fifo-qdisc.png but the pdf only contains and empty square with the filename fifo-qdisc.png instead of the picture.

Question SOLVED: needed to disable draft mode in:
\documentclass ...