Search found 3 matches

by kaltsoplyn
Sun Sep 26, 2010 5:23 pm
Forum: Conversion Tools
Topic: hyperref and multiple parts in a document
Replies: 1
Views: 2793

hyperref and multiple parts in a document


I'm writing a thesis. It comprises two parts (part I and II), multiple chapters within each part, sections within each chapter etc.

When I compile to pdf through pdflatex or tex>dvi>ps>pdf I get the following problems, which are, I assume, related to hyperref.

1) The "bookmarks" section of ...
by kaltsoplyn
Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:18 am
Forum: Math & Science
Topic: multiple newcommands with matrices inside equation
Replies: 3
Views: 6154

Re: multiple newcommands with matrices inside equation

hahaha, wasn't this a genuine sample of pure stupidity or what?!? :D
Poor me, I want to write a thesis in physics, too?
who am I kidding? maybe I should become a surgeon instead...

Anyway, thanks for wasting your time on me. Your answer, obviously, solved the problem.
by kaltsoplyn
Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:08 am
Forum: Math & Science
Topic: multiple newcommands with matrices inside equation
Replies: 3
Views: 6154

multiple newcommands with matrices inside equation

Hello all,

I'm writing a thesis in physics. I need to use the, so called, 3-J, 6-J and 9-J symbols (please feel free to google). Instead of typing in matrices in every equation, I define these commands for the 3-J, 6-J and 9-J symbols, respectively:

\newcommand{\tj}[9]{ \begin{pmatrix}
#1 & #2 ...