Search found 5 matches

by koji
Thu Oct 05, 2023 6:57 pm
Forum: LyX
Topic: Unable to Launch LYX | Missing Platex.INI
Replies: 16
Views: 28971

Unable to Launch LYX | Missing Platex.INI

Description here (LyX wiki) may help. It is mentioned that there are bugs in MikTeX and usage of TexLive is recommended.
by koji
Wed Sep 13, 2023 4:00 am
Forum: LyX
Topic: pdfTeX error
Replies: 8
Views: 30334

pdfTeX error

I think simply installing ImageMagick solves (the default image file -> pdf converter). After installation, you need to do Tools -> Reconfigure from the LyX menu).
by koji
Wed Sep 13, 2023 3:53 am
Forum: LyX
Topic: LaTeX errors from LyX
Replies: 1
Views: 11187

LaTeX errors from LyX

I guess behind the dialog you can see a part of LyX text is selected in blue, and that part is the place LaTeX error has occurred. Since LaTeX error is not always visible in LyX, the selected text may look irrelevant but error occurs around there.
by koji
Wed Sep 13, 2023 3:39 am
Forum: LyX
Topic: first-run LyX latex check
Replies: 1
Views: 11207

first-run LyX latex check

I think reinstallation will do it, doesn't it?
by koji
Wed Sep 13, 2023 3:26 am
Forum: LyX
Topic: Unable to Launch LYX | Missing Platex.INI
Replies: 16
Views: 28971

Unable to Launch LYX | Missing Platex.INI

I guess this prompt from MikTeX pops up because the user tried to open/create a LyX document whose language is set to Japanese. Unfortunately, MikTeX doesn't include pLaTeX (a Japanese LaTeX), you need to set document language to other languages (via Document > Settings > Language) or to use LaTeX ...