The problem is I want the twoside and oneside to be identical except the use of colored links and the margins. They aren't identical if the page headers differ. Only reason I'm making a single sided version is digital distribution, it's annoying in PDF viewers when the margin flips which side is ...
Nutshell I am producing two versions of document (magazine) - twoside that is monochrome/grayscale except for cover art, it has colorlinks but they are defined to black. This is version that will go to print shop.
oneside is for digital distribution. It has linkcolor and urlcolor set so where there ...
I am in the process of creating a retro pulp style magazine, following many of the type-setting conventions I see in older pulp magazines (with some artistic freedom).
It's a two-sided layout, and very often they have a full page image on the page opposite the side the story starts on. I'm ...