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by triarii
Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:38 pm
Forum: Curricula Vitae / Résumés
Topic: Twenty Second CV - Doesn't allow accents?
Replies: 7
Views: 12715

Twenty Second CV - Doesn't allow accents?

About the design, I honestly don't remember what it was like. I just remember it was below the Skills bar.

Anyway I added Languages to the right side as a Section because no space on the left.

I had no intention of removing the "about me" part. I like it.

Anyway I have finalized my CV , thanks a ...
by triarii
Sun Jun 24, 2018 2:05 am
Forum: Curricula Vitae / Résumés
Topic: Twenty Second CV - Doesn't allow accents?
Replies: 7
Views: 12715

Twenty Second CV - Doesn't allow accents?

It probably was an older version. I did that 4 months ago but ended up getting a job back then using my old europass. So I didn't finish the 20 sec CV.

But I remember it was a column below the Skills Bars. This was the code I used:
\patchcmd{\makeprofile}{Languages}{xyz word}{}{}

In this newer ...
by triarii
Sat Jun 23, 2018 10:50 pm
Forum: Curricula Vitae / Résumés
Topic: Twenty Second CV - Doesn't allow accents?
Replies: 7
Views: 12715

Twenty Second CV - Doesn't allow accents?

I have another issue with the skill and language sections. I'm trying to type this under Skills but it gives me an error:

\skills{{MS Project/3},{PowerPoint/4},{Word/4.5},{Excel/3},{Customer service/4.0}}
\languages{{X(mother language)}, {Y(Good)}, {Z(Average)}}

What am I doing wrong?

Edit: Also ...
by triarii
Sat Jun 23, 2018 6:11 pm
Forum: Curricula Vitae / Résumés
Topic: Twenty Second CV - Doesn't allow accents?
Replies: 7
Views: 12715

Twenty Second CV - Doesn't allow accents?

Thanks for the reply.

EDIT: Thanks a lot. It worked. I will come back to this post if I need help again!
by triarii
Sat Jun 23, 2018 5:14 pm
Forum: Curricula Vitae / Résumés
Topic: Twenty Second CV - Doesn't allow accents?
Replies: 7
Views: 12715

Twenty Second CV - Doesn't allow accents?


I really like the 20 Second CV format in terms of presentation. It is clean and easy to look at from an HR's perpective. The problem is it is so hard to make and get it right! Not 20 seconds at all lol.

I have had several problems with it but have overcome the most through research - other ...