Search found 11 matches

by kreyszig
Fri Nov 05, 2010 5:36 pm
Forum: Conversion Tools
Topic: How can I generate a PS using RGB colors only with DVIPS/gs?
Replies: 6
Views: 6932

How can I generate a PS using RGB colors only with DVIPS/gs?

For those interested, here is a redefinition of the basic colors of using RGB values exclusively.

TeXDict begin/Rhodamine{1 0.18 1 setrgbcolor}N/OliveGreen{0 0.6 0 setrgbcolor}N/Mahogany{0 0 0.65 setrgbcolor}N/BlueGreen{0.67 1 0.15 setrgbcolor}N
/PineGreen{0.16 0.75 0 setrgbcolor}N ...
by kreyszig
Fri Nov 05, 2010 4:12 pm
Forum: Conversion Tools
Topic: How can I generate a PS using RGB colors only with DVIPS/gs?
Replies: 6
Views: 6932

How can I generate a PS using RGB colors only with DVIPS/gs?

Sorry, but in is only a definition for setcmykcolor but it does
not mean that it is already used. However, you can overwrite /setcmykcolor:

/setcmykcolor { 10 dict begin
/K exch def
/K1 1 K sub def
/Y exch def
/M exch def
/C exch def
1 C K1 mul K add ...
by kreyszig
Fri Nov 05, 2010 3:11 pm
Forum: Conversion Tools
Topic: How can I generate a PS using RGB colors only with DVIPS/gs?
Replies: 6
Views: 6932

How can I generate a PS using RGB colors only with DVIPS/gs?



I use that already in LaTeX. What this does is to rewrite my own colors using RGB, but it does not prevent dvips from using the header file which uses CMYK. The header would work fine if setcmykcolor was undefined when I use

gs -dPDFA ...
by kreyszig
Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:50 pm
Forum: Conversion Tools
Topic: How can I generate a PS using RGB colors only with DVIPS/gs?
Replies: 6
Views: 6932

How can I generate a PS using RGB colors only with DVIPS/gs?


I want to produce a postscript file that uses only RGB colors with DVIPs, but DVIPs includes which defines basic colors using CMYK values. defines setcmykcolor using setrgbcolor when it is undefined:

/setcmykcolor where{pop}{/setcmykcolor{dup 10 eq{pop
setrgbcolor}{1 sub 4 ...
by kreyszig
Wed Jan 27, 2010 6:06 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Question about expandafter chains...
Replies: 9
Views: 9276

Question about expandafter chains...


I have found a solution that works:

Code: Select all

Code, edit and compile here:
\def\hello#1 #2{Hello #1 #2}%
\def\world{{The} {World}}%
> \result=macro:
->Hello The World.
by kreyszig
Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:58 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Question about expandafter chains...
Replies: 9
Views: 9276

Question about expandafter chains...

I dodn't follow. If you avoid wrapping the expansion of \world in braces, then what is wrong with




\def\hello#1 #2{Hello #1:#2:}%

\expandafter ...
by kreyszig
Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:45 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Question about expandafter chains...
Replies: 9
Views: 9276

Question about expandafter chains...

After TeX has



\def\hello#1{Hello #1}%


\end ...
by kreyszig
Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:26 pm
Forum: General
Topic: Question about expandafter chains...
Replies: 9
Views: 9276

Re: Question about expandafter chains...

Thanks! I think I get the idea now. I was somehow misleaded by expandafter definition that says that


"expands \b, then \a". A more correct statement I think would be that it expands \b than put \a back in front of it, not preventing it from being expanded. What I mean is that ...
by kreyszig
Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:59 am
Forum: General
Topic: Question about expandafter chains...
Replies: 9
Views: 9276

Question about expandafter chains...


could someone explain to me why in the following code the macro \msg is not defined as "Hello World"

\def\hello#1{Hello #1}%

The output is
> \msg=macro:
->\hello World.

but I was ...