i cannot imagine that \glsaddall (which i really need) is inevitably connected with the "wrong-number"-thing (if so, the command really s**** ).
there must be an error somewhere in my code...
i allready thought about that. but the document is not gonna be published. it is more like a help text for students. so it's ok if there are glossary-entries that do not appear in the text.
You're right. After removing \glsaddall it works! But now there are glossary-entries that are not displayed in the glossary - of course the ones which are not referenced... Can I put \glsaddall to another place?
edit: I tried to put it in the preamble after \loadglsentries{glossar}. then "1 ...
ok let me edit the minimal-example: the glossary.tex is just a collection of "\newglossaryentry" - definitions, so i will insert one in here. beein part of the minitoc-package "\mtcaddchapter" should be unimportant for the minimal-example...
i tried... it's a bit "more minimal" now. but don't be put off by the number of lines in there! i do not know exactly which packages take part in that glossary-thing... and i could imagine that i made some kind of a "typical mistake". but your documentation couldn't help me that far..