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by Janowicz
Wed Feb 24, 2016 4:23 pm
Forum: Others
Topic: TeXstudio: Documents no longer compile after they're saved
Replies: 2
Views: 67548

Re: TeXstudio: Documents no longer compile after they're sav

Solution: After a lot of experimenting, I learned you should never save as a pdf. You must PRINT as a pdf with the microsoft pdf converter printer thing. Save it as a .tex and open it in TeXworks, then print.
by Janowicz
Wed Feb 24, 2016 4:08 pm
Forum: Others
Topic: TeXstudio: Documents no longer compile after they're saved
Replies: 2
Views: 67548

TeXstudio: Documents no longer compile after they're saved

Recently I updated texstudio to the latest version and have been having a little trouble.

If I create a new document, blank or from a template then go to compile it and view it, it opens fine. However if I save that document and then try to compile it again, it fails every time.

The error it gives ...