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by jdc
Thu Dec 18, 2014 10:29 am
Forum: TeXShop
Topic: How do I make the Find window not follow me between spaces?
Replies: 2
Views: 16201

Re: How do I make the Find window not follow me between spac

Hi Johannes, thank you for your kind welcome. The somewhat ridiculous answer to your question is that I am not sure if this happens for other programs, as as far as I can recall, TeXShop is the only one I use with a separate "Find" window not integrated into the main document window. Do you know of ...
by jdc
Wed Dec 17, 2014 4:59 am
Forum: TeXShop
Topic: How do I make the Find window not follow me between spaces?
Replies: 2
Views: 16201

How do I make the Find window not follow me between spaces?

I am using TexShop Version 3.48.1 on a MacBook Pro running OS X Mavericks.

When I Command+F to make a Find window, that window follows me between spaces/desktops (or whatever they're called now), so when I try to switch to the space where I have my TeX document open, I instead just switch to the ...