Use only one titlepage environment for the titlepage and the copyright page and insert \clearpage and \thispagestyle{empty} between them:
\documentclass[10pt, %english, % removed because of british british,twoside,openany]{scrbook} \usepackage{blindtext} \usepackage[automark,headsepline ...
Your copyright information are on a right hand page and the table of contents starts on a left hand page. Do you want this?
If not: there are additional commands (\extratitle,\uppertitleback, \lowertitleback,...) to format the title pages. Have a look at the KOMA-Script documentation.
Here is a suggestion to avoid a part of the warnings
%TITR Main Document 5.06in x 7.81in, facing pages %Preamble \documentclass[ 10pt, %english,% either english or british british,% either english or british twoside, open=any ]{scrbook} %\usepackage{scrpage2} \usepackage[automark,headsepline ...