Search found 7 matches

by SpectrumX
Thu Mar 13, 2014 8:23 pm
Forum: LyX
Topic: Table height --- an odd problem
Replies: 1
Views: 2788

Re: Table height --- an odd problem

anyone at all?
by SpectrumX
Wed Mar 12, 2014 5:33 am
Forum: LyX
Topic: Table height --- an odd problem
Replies: 1
Views: 2788

Table height --- an odd problem

I am facing an odd and very annoying problem with tables imported from Excel into Lyx (2.1). I am not able to reduce the height of the table cell. I am attaching an example of such problem, hoping that someone would be able to let me know how to solve it.
by SpectrumX
Sun Feb 23, 2014 4:12 pm
Forum: LyX
Topic: PNAS layout in lyx
Replies: 3
Views: 5056

PNAS layout in lyx

One more update:

Regarding the title and author error. I did the following to g round the above problem:

Simply use the following command in lyx instead of using the title, author etc from the menu.

\title{Almost sharp fronts for the surface geostrophic equation}

\author{Roberta Graff\affil{1 ...
by SpectrumX
Sun Feb 23, 2014 4:06 pm
Forum: LyX
Topic: PNAS layout in lyx
Replies: 3
Views: 5056

PNAS layout in lyx

Another update:

I found the following forum in which the font-related problem are solved. Now I can activate the line : \usepackage{pnastwoF} in permeable.

Now lyx preamble look as following with no errors ...
by SpectrumX
Sun Feb 23, 2014 2:18 pm
Forum: LyX
Topic: PNAS layout in lyx
Replies: 3
Views: 5056

PNAS layout in lyx

Just an update on error faced.

I had to disable the following in the preamble:

and used a simple layout as follows:

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
# \DeclareLaTeXClass[pnastwo]{article (Proceedings of the National ...
by SpectrumX
Sat Feb 22, 2014 11:32 pm
Forum: LyX
Topic: PNAS layout in lyx
Replies: 3
Views: 5056

PNAS layout in lyx

Hello all, I am trying to write a simple layout for the PNAS Article in LYX (2.1). I tried to use the Article.layout as a starting point but I was not successful. I also tried to import the PNAS tempalte.tex into lyx but always got errors during the tex import. I am now stuck and do not know what to ...
by SpectrumX
Fri Dec 20, 2013 5:59 pm
Forum: General
Topic: spacing after periods
Replies: 15
Views: 24984

Re: spacing after periods


A late reply to this post but it is linked to something I wish to have in lyx. Currently, there is no option that force a white space after every full-stop. I wonder If I can write a macro in LYX that force this behavior instead of looking for each missing space after period in the whole ...