Search found 17 matches

by lemonicetea
Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:38 pm
Forum: MakeIndex, Nomenclature, Glossaries and Acronyms
Topic: nomencl | Wrong Sort Order for italic Entries
Replies: 10
Views: 16502

Re: nomencl | Wrong Sort Order for italic Entries

Thank you very much! But it does not work. The entry "E. coli" just disappears from the list. Should I use some other package as well?
by lemonicetea
Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:33 pm
Forum: MakeIndex, Nomenclature, Glossaries and Acronyms
Topic: nomencl | Wrong Sort Order for italic Entries
Replies: 10
Views: 16502

nomencl | Wrong Sort Order for italic Entries

Hi, all.

I am using nomencl package. However, the italic nomenclature entry appears on the top of the list rather than in alphabetical order. How can I put it back to the alphabetical queue? Following are the code:

\usepackage[round]{natbib ...
by lemonicetea
Wed Nov 11, 2009 3:10 pm
Forum: BibTeX, biblatex and biber
Topic: Help! Multiple publication from same author in natbib file!
Replies: 1
Views: 1827

Help! Multiple publication from same author in natbib file!

Hi all.

Sorry for opening new topic.

I finally figured out what was the problem about showing full author list in LaTex/WinEdt. It was due to the same author with multiple publication at the same year. It shows full author name to distinguish them.

I googled the problem and found some other guy ...
by lemonicetea
Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:35 am
Forum: BibTeX, biblatex and biber
Topic: In text citation shows full author list?
Replies: 4
Views: 7016

Re: In text citation shows full author list?

Somebody please come help me..I am so desperate now. Any opinion would be appreciated!!!
by lemonicetea
Sun Nov 08, 2009 9:46 pm
Forum: BibTeX, biblatex and biber
Topic: In text citation shows full author list?
Replies: 4
Views: 7016

Re: In text citation shows full author list?

Somebody please come and help me.
by lemonicetea
Sat Nov 07, 2009 7:13 pm
Forum: BibTeX, biblatex and biber
Topic: In text citation shows full author list?
Replies: 4
Views: 7016

In text citation shows full author list?

Hi all:

First of all, i think it is very weired. When I cite following example citation. The full list of author names were appeared in the text.
author = {Anderson, K. L. and Billington, J. and Pettigrew, D. and Cota, E. and Simpson, P. and Roversi, P. and Chen, H. A ...
by lemonicetea
Sun Oct 11, 2009 10:33 pm
Forum: Text Formatting
Topic: how to change font back?
Replies: 3
Views: 9880

Re: how to change font back?

Cheers. Sorry about the silly question..I will definitely go through a latex textbook.
by lemonicetea
Sun Oct 11, 2009 10:18 pm
Forum: Text Formatting
Topic: how to change font back?
Replies: 3
Views: 9880

how to change font back?

Hi all.
I have a chapter which have a table with 'tiny' font size. However, the following chapter is still using 'tiny' font size rather than the default text size. What should I do to change it back? Here is the code

\usepackage ...
by lemonicetea
Sun Oct 11, 2009 6:53 pm
Forum: Graphics, Figures & Tables
Topic: How can I specify column width and then centering text?
Replies: 7
Views: 4223

Re: How can I specify column width and then centering text?

By the way, how can i centering the whole table?