Thank you Stefan for your reply. I will look into the manuals of siunits and dcolumn
Best greetings to all!
Search found 27 matches
- Tue Jan 22, 2019 10:51 am
- Forum: Graphics, Figures & Tables
- Topic: table not working with \usepackage[table]{xcolor}
- Replies: 3
- Views: 6654
- Mon Jan 21, 2019 1:28 pm
- Forum: Graphics, Figures & Tables
- Topic: table not working with \usepackage[table]{xcolor}
- Replies: 3
- Views: 6654
table not working with \usepackage[table]{xcolor}
Hello all!
A funny issue. No idea what's going on here: in the following MWE comment (or out) the \usepackage[table]{xcolor} and the corresponding } marked with a comment. With the colours the numbers are eaten in the resulting pdf ...
Thank you in advance for every hint!
\documentclass ...
A funny issue. No idea what's going on here: in the following MWE comment (or out) the \usepackage[table]{xcolor} and the corresponding } marked with a comment. With the colours the numbers are eaten in the resulting pdf ...
Thank you in advance for every hint!
\documentclass ...
- Sat Nov 04, 2017 10:55 am
- Forum: Document Classes
- Topic: Poem side by side in two languages
- Replies: 3
- Views: 5359
Poem side by side in two languages
Thank you Johannes!
Poems are not meant to be typeset with this package
Did you mean with this \documentclass{article} ? I tried with many document classes, like memoir, scrartcl, book ... But neither the \usepackage{poetry} nor \usepackage{poetrytex} are working without minipage ...
Poems are not meant to be typeset with this package
Did you mean with this \documentclass{article} ? I tried with many document classes, like memoir, scrartcl, book ... But neither the \usepackage{poetry} nor \usepackage{poetrytex} are working without minipage ...
- Sat Nov 04, 2017 7:53 am
- Forum: Document Classes
- Topic: Poem side by side in two languages
- Replies: 3
- Views: 5359
Poem side by side in two languages
Hello all!
I am disappointed of my LaTeX-knowledge. Even a little poem in Russian I am unable to put in a document. Here a minimal not working example:
% \usepackage[russian,german]{babel}
\usepackage[english,main ...
I am disappointed of my LaTeX-knowledge. Even a little poem in Russian I am unable to put in a document. Here a minimal not working example:
% \usepackage[russian,german]{babel}
\usepackage[english,main ...
- Fri Jul 07, 2017 9:48 am
- Forum: TeX Live and MacTeX
- Topic: "sudo tlmgr backup --clean --all" is doing nothing
- Replies: 5
- Views: 24359
"sudo tlmgr backup --clean --all" is doing nothing
Hello all!
I have TeXLive 2017 installed and I removed the old one from 2016. I update regularly with tlmgr in my shell. Only issue I have had this morning, was the repository:
tlmgr: The TeX Live versions supported by the repository
(2016--2016 ...
I have TeXLive 2017 installed and I removed the old one from 2016. I update regularly with tlmgr in my shell. Only issue I have had this morning, was the repository:
tlmgr: The TeX Live versions supported by the repository
(2016--2016 ...
- Tue Jan 06, 2015 4:50 pm
- Forum: Text Formatting
- Topic: No Pagebreak for a certain group of paragraphs
- Replies: 9
- Views: 13984
Re: No Pagebreak for a certain group of paragraphs

This time so fast! Thank you!
And the best in your answer was "loveletter"

- Tue Jan 06, 2015 4:07 pm
- Forum: Text Formatting
- Topic: No Pagebreak for a certain group of paragraphs
- Replies: 9
- Views: 13984
No Pagebreak for a certain group of paragraphs
Thank you Stefan_K :-)
I am very happy, that you took so much time, to answer my supplemental questions about formatting the SMS-messages.
I read carefully all docs connected to your suggested packages. Concerning the \selectfont and the \fontsize , I only wanted to go back to the default ...
I am very happy, that you took so much time, to answer my supplemental questions about formatting the SMS-messages.
I read carefully all docs connected to your suggested packages. Concerning the \selectfont and the \fontsize , I only wanted to go back to the default ...
- Mon Jan 05, 2015 2:06 pm
- Forum: Text Formatting
- Topic: No Pagebreak for a certain group of paragraphs
- Replies: 9
- Views: 13984
Re: No Pagebreak for a certain group of paragraphs
Thank you Johannes_B! Should have had the idea for myself!
Do you have some hints for a nicer layout?
In any case thank you for the nice forum and best wishes to you and the forum for the new year 2015 ...

Do you have some hints for a nicer layout?
In any case thank you for the nice forum and best wishes to you and the forum for the new year 2015 ...
- Thu Jan 01, 2015 1:26 pm
- Forum: Text Formatting
- Topic: No Pagebreak for a certain group of paragraphs
- Replies: 9
- Views: 13984
No Pagebreak for a certain group of paragraphs
Hello all! Happy New Year 2015! Hope that all your wishes and dreams become true - finally this year!
I have a long list of SMS Data with groups, which I have put into the environment "samepage" , to hinder a page break:
Date - Time (centered)
Person: Text Message
\end{samepage ...
I have a long list of SMS Data with groups, which I have put into the environment "samepage" , to hinder a page break:
Date - Time (centered)
Person: Text Message
\end{samepage ...
- Sat Sep 27, 2014 1:51 pm
- Forum: Fonts & Character Sets
- Topic: Chinese characters disappearing and a special character
- Replies: 3
- Views: 10630
Chinese characters disappearing and a special character
A long while ago I asked this question. Looking up this subject with a search engine I found my unanswered question. Here it is, the answer:
1. Why are some Chinese Characters eaten up?
2. How to put an Caron on a "i" or "j" with out the dot?
Compile the following Code and you get the answer ...
1. Why are some Chinese Characters eaten up?
2. How to put an Caron on a "i" or "j" with out the dot?
Compile the following Code and you get the answer ...