Hi, I am new to using Latex and would like to use either MikTex or ProText on windows 7. Listed are what I plan to use it for:
- Math and science related material, undergrad and grad class note-taking, reports, general note-taking. Trying to learn and use and better alternative to Word/OOo Writer ...
Search found 3 matches
- Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:07 pm
- Forum: Decision Guidance
- Topic: MikTex vs. ProTeXt on Windows 7
- Replies: 1
- Views: 26280
- Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:43 am
- Forum: TeX Live and MacTeX
- Topic: Windows 7 x64 installation directory trouble
- Replies: 4
- Views: 7871
Re: Windows 7 x64 installation directory trouble
Thanks Thorsten. That did not work and I am using MagicDisc for disk image mounting, which has not given me any trouble with Win7. The recommended installation in the user guide does not work. I will download and attempt to manually install the tarball. Plus I'd like to try 2009 beta version. I ...
- Wed Sep 16, 2009 3:05 pm
- Forum: TeX Live and MacTeX
- Topic: Windows 7 x64 installation directory trouble
- Replies: 4
- Views: 7871
Windows 7 x64 installation directory trouble
Hi, after I mounted the iso image for TeXLive 2008 and attempted to install, the installer listed the default directory as not writable. I have attempted to change the path with some alternatives but with no success. My program file options are Program Files and Program Files (x86) for 32-bit apps ...