Search found 37 matches

by asafw
Mon Jun 03, 2019 8:23 pm
Forum: Text Formatting
Topic: Problem compiling a table environment
Replies: 6
Views: 7342

Problem compiling a table environment


I'm using a document class "statsoc" (available from and having trouble compiling with a simple table example. I couldn't figure out if this is a conflict between packages I'm using or something else.. Any idea?

Thanks ...
by asafw
Sun Jan 07, 2018 11:53 am
Forum: Presentations and Posters
Topic: Unnumbered footnote in Beamer
Replies: 3
Views: 41415

Unnumbered footnote in Beamer

Thanks so much Stefan!
Looks like it didn't work for me earlier due to incompatibility with "setspace" and "subcaption" packages.

Thanks again,
by asafw
Thu Jan 04, 2018 10:43 am
Forum: Presentations and Posters
Topic: Unnumbered footnote in Beamer
Replies: 3
Views: 41415

Unnumbered footnote in Beamer

Hi there,

What is the simplest way to insert an unnumbered footnote in a Beamer slide?

I found an answer online which suggests to define


but the footnote does not show ...
by asafw
Fri Oct 13, 2017 8:35 pm
Forum: Graphics, Figures & Tables
Topic: tikzpicture coordinates
Replies: 1
Views: 2780

tikzpicture coordinates


I'm trying to use tikzpicture to draw a circle as follows, but when I change coordinates -- say, from (0,0) to (10,0) -- this has no effect on positioning. Any idea why? (or should I submit a full MWE?)

Thanks so much,

\draw (0,0) ellipse (2cm and .5cm ...
by asafw
Wed Jun 21, 2017 2:32 am
Forum: Presentations and Posters
Topic: Boxed text in beamer
Replies: 1
Views: 55288

Boxed text in beamer

Hi there,

What is the simplest way to get a centered box with text inside? I am currently using a "block" environment, but this has no frame..

Thanks a lot!
by asafw
Wed Aug 03, 2016 6:32 pm
Forum: Presentations and Posters
Topic: side-by-side text and figure within an itemized list
Replies: 1
Views: 15132

side-by-side text and figure within an itemized list


I was wondering if it's possible to have an itemized list, where a particular item includes a minipage environment for side-by-side text and figure.

I attached a minimal example..

Thank you!

by asafw
Thu Jun 09, 2016 8:02 pm
Forum: Presentations and Posters
Topic: Set line spacing for a single frame
Replies: 3
Views: 13842

Set line spacing for a single frame


Sorry -- here is an example. I'd like to control the line spacing instead of the text width in what's below..
I hope this suffices..

Thank you!

\end ...
by asafw
Wed Jun 08, 2016 7:44 pm
Forum: Presentations and Posters
Topic: Set line spacing for a single frame
Replies: 3
Views: 13842

Set line spacing for a single frame

Hi there,

I would like to set the line spacing differently for only a single frame. I found examples online which show how to modify different options for a single frame using minipage environment, but I don't have enough experience to change these to my needs..

Thank you very much,
by asafw
Mon Mar 14, 2016 7:19 pm
Forum: Text Formatting
Topic: tcolorbox title
Replies: 2
Views: 5454

Re: tcolorbox title

Thank you Johannes!
by asafw
Mon Mar 14, 2016 6:46 am
Forum: Text Formatting
Topic: tcolorbox title
Replies: 2
Views: 5454

tcolorbox title


I'm trying to use tcolobox with the following code that I found online.
How can I get rid of the preamble in the title, so that it reads just "Sample", not "Algorithm 1:Sample"?

Thank you very much,

\newtcbtheorem ...